Convert Purchases to Assets
Form ID: (FA504500)
By using this form, you can convert purchased items to fixed assets or define the items as components of a specific fixed asset in the system. If a transaction includes multiple units of a purchased item, you can convert fewer units to fixed assets than this purchased quantity. For more information about how to convert purchased items to fixed assets, see Fixed Asset Entry.
To prepare for the conversion of purchases to fixed assets, when you create the bills for purchases based on requisitions, you should use the fixed asset accrual accounts and subaccounts that are specified on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.
Button | Description |
Process |
Based on your selections on this form, processes the lines you have selected in the lower table and creates new fixed assets or new components of the specified assets. |
Selection Area
In this area, you can select the accrual account used for fixed assets and the appropriate subaccount (if subaccounts are used in your organization) to display the purchase transactions in the upper table. Also, you can select the branch, custodian, and department for the new assets.
Element | Description |
Account | The asset account of the purchase transactions that should be
converted to fixed assets. By default, this account is the fixed asset accrual account specified on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form. |
Subaccount | The subaccount of the purchase transactions, if subaccounts are
used in your organization. By default, this subaccount is the fixed asset accrual subaccount specified on the Fixed Assets Preferences form. |
Show Transactions Marked as Reconciled | A check box that you select to view transactions marked as Reconciled. |
Branch | The branch of the organization to which the new fixed assets will be assigned. |
Custodian | The person who will be responsible for the new fixed assets. |
Department | The department to which the new fixed assets will belong. |
Upper Table
This table displays the transactions (each of which might include multiple quantities of an item) from purchase receipts. If you select a transaction in this table, you can specify the conversion details in the lower table.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Included | An unlabeled check box that you can select to include the purchase if you click Process. Leave the check box clear for the purchases you don't want to convert. |
Branch | The branch of the organization where the selected quantity of the item will be placed if the transaction is processed. |
Asset Class | The asset class to which the new fixed assets will be assigned by default. If multiple assets should be created and assigned to different classes, you can enter these details in the lower table. |
Department | The department to which the selected quantity of the item will belong after its conversion to fixed assets. |
Custodian | The person who will be responsible for the selected quantity of the item when the item is converted to fixed assets. |
Reconciled | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the transaction was reconciled. |
Transaction Branch | The branch whose balance is updated by the conversion transaction. |
Inventory ID | The inventory ID of the item to be converted to fixed assets. |
UOM | The unit of measure used for this stock item. |
Selected Quantity | The quantity of the stock item that will be converted to new fixed assets. This value is automatically updated as you specify details for this stock item in the lower table. |
Selected Amount | The total cost of the selected quantity of the stock item. This amount is equal to the selected quantity multiplied by the unit cost. |
Open Quantity | The difference between the quantity specified in the transaction and the selected quantity. |
Open Amount | The total cost of the open quantity of the stock item, which is calculated as the difference between the original amount and the sum of the amounts specified in the lower table. |
Orig. Quantity | The original quantity, which is the number of units of the purchased item. |
Unit Cost | The cost of each unit of the item, according to the bill. |
Orig. Amount | The total cost of the item, according to the transaction. This amount is calculated as the unit cost multiplied by the original quantity. |
Transaction Date |
The date of the transaction. This date should be the same as the Receipt Date or the same or earlier as the Placed-in-Service Date specified for the asset on this form. |
Module | The two-letter identifier of the part of the product where the transaction originated. |
Batch Number | The identifier of the batch generated for the transaction. |
Ref. Number | The external or internal reference number associated with the transaction. |
Customer/Vendor | The customer or vendor that is associated with the transaction. |
Transaction Description | The description of the transaction. |
Lower table
This table provides a list of units (with details) of the item selected for conversion in the upper table.
By using this table, you can assign new assets (converted from the units of the item selected in the upper table) to classes, associate new assets with their parent assets, and specify the department, location, and custodian for converted assets.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Create Asset | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the selected unit of the inventory item
will be a new asset. This asset will have no parent asset if the Component check box is cleared. If the Component check box is selected, select a parent asset. Clear the Create Asset check box if the selected unit of the inventory item will be another unit of an existing fixed asset, which you specify in the Asset ID column. |
New Asset ID | The unique identifier for the new fixed asset, which can be assigned automatically or manually. |
Branch | The branch of the organization to which the selected quantity of the item will be assigned. |
Asset Class | The class with which the new asset is associated. |
Department | The department to which the selected unit of the item will belong. |
Component | A check box that you select to indicate that this unit of the inventory item will be a component of the asset specified in the Asset ID column. |
Asset ID | A value that has different meanings depending on whether the Create
Asset and Component check
boxes are selected:
Quantity | The quantity of the new fixed asset. |
Transaction Amount | The amount of the transaction—that is, the cost of the asset. |
Receipt Date | The date of the purchase receipt document. |
Placed-in-Service Date |
The date when an asset will be placed in use and from which this asset will be depreciated. This date should be the same or later than the Receipt Date specified for the asset on this form. |
Tran. Period | The financial period to which the purchasing transaction should be posted. The period of the transaction date is used. |
Custodian | The person who will be responsible for the selected unit of the item when it is converted into a fixed asset. |
Transaction Type | The type of the transaction. The following option is available: Purchasing +. With this transaction, the asset cost asset is transferred from the fixed asset accrual account that is specified on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form to the default fixed asset account specified for the asset class. |
Transaction Description | The description of the asset. |