Fixed Asset Transactions
Form ID: (FA301000)
By using this form, you can create, view, edit, delete, and release fixed asset transactions.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.
Command | Description |
Hold |
Changes the transaction's status to On Hold, indicating that the transaction is not yet ready to be released. This button and command are available if the document has the Balanced status. |
Release |
Releases the transaction and changes its status to Unposted or Posted, depending on the settings on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form. This button and command are available if the document has the Balanced status. |
Remove Hold |
Changes the transaction's status from On Hold to Balanced. This button and command are available if the document has the On Hold status. |
Summary Area
In the Summary area, you can enter information for a new transaction or select an existing one for release.
Element | Description |
Reference Number | The reference number identifying the transaction in the system. |
Document Date | The date when the transaction document was created. By default, the current date is specified, but you can change it. |
Document Total | The total amount for the transactions. |
Status | The read-only status of the transaction document, which is one of the following:
Origin | Read-only. The way the transaction was entered into the system,
which is one of the following:
Description | A description of the transaction. |
This table contains transaction details, with each row defining one transaction detail.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Asset | The fixed asset affected by the transaction. |
Description | A description of the asset. |
Book | The book to which the asset is assigned. |
Branch |
The branch in which the transaction has been posted. This column appears on the tab if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Transaction Type | A brief description of the transaction. For more information, see Types of Fixed Asset Transactions. |
Debit Account | The account to be debited by this transaction. |
Description | The user-provided description of the account. |
Debit Subaccount | The subaccount to be debited by this transaction. |
Description | The user-provided description of the subaccount. |
Credit Account | The account to be credited by this transaction. |
Description | The user-provided description of the account. |
Credit Subaccount | The subaccount to be credited by this transaction. |
Description | The user-provided description of the subaccount. |
Transaction Amount | The amount of the transaction. |
Batch Nbr. | The batch, by its identifier, generated for the book that updates the general ledger. |
Transaction Description | The description of the transaction. |
Tran. Period | The financial period in the book to which the transaction should
be posted. The first two characters reflect the period number within
the financial year, and the last four digits indicate the financial
year. The period is calculated based on the document date; however, you can select another period from the list. |
From Branch |
The branch from which the transaction has been transferred. This column appears on the form if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and the transaction has Transfer selected in the Origin box in the Summary area of this form. |
Method | The statute-allowed benefit that is used to depreciate the asset,
which is one of the following options:
This column is empty if the asset has been depreciated without using any of the bonuses or if the transaction is not a depreciation transaction. For more information about these benefits, see U.S.-Based Fixed Asset Depreciation. |