Form ID: (FA208000)
By using this form, you can create, view, edit, and delete bonuses. You can specify bonus rates, relevant date ranges, and maximum bonus amounts for each bonus. Once you create bonuses, you can assign them to depreciation books on the Fixed Assets (FA303000) form. For more information about bonuses and how to use them, see U.S.-Based Fixed Asset Depreciation.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Summary Area
In this area, you can specify general information about a new bonus or select an existing bonus to view or edit its details.
Element | Description |
Bonus ID | The unique identifier of the bonus. |
Description | A description of the bonus. |
In this table, you can create a list of bonus rates, relevant date ranges, and maximum bonus amounts.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Start Date | The start date of the date range of the bonus. A bonus amount reduces the depreciable basis if the start depreciation date (specified in the Depr. from column on the Fixed Assets form) is within the date range. |
End Date | The end date of the date range of the bonus. A bonus amount reduces the depreciable basis if the start depreciation date is within this date range. |
Bonus, % | The bonus rate (expressed as a percentage of the depreciable basis). The bonus rate is used to calculate the bonus amount as the acquisition cost multiplied by the bonus rate. |
Max. Bonus | The maximum allowable amount of the bonus. |