Disposal Methods
Form ID: (FA207000)
By using this form, you can create, edit, view, and delete the disposal methods available in your company for fixed assets. For example, fixed assets can be sold, damaged, lost, exchanged, or abandoned. For information about applying disposal methods to assets to be disposed of, see Managing Fixed Asset Disposals.
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This table contains a list of disposal methods defined in the system; you can use this table to add new methods.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Disposal Method ID | The unique identifier for the disposal method. |
Description | A brief description of the disposal method. |
Proceeds Account | The account to be used to record the proceeds from disposal of assets by this method. |
Proceeds Subaccount | The subaccount to be used to record the proceeds from disposal of assets by this method. |