Time and Expenses Reports
With the MYOB Advanced reports related to time and expenses, you can promptly get detailed information about expense claims, review the data, and track expense claims for different branches, departments, and employees. If a report contains data links, you can easily drill down from the report to any supporting details.
The reports are available if the Expense Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
A report includes only the objects or entities that the user running the report is authorized to access, based on the user's roles and membership in restriction groups.
All reports related to time and expenses can be generated in different formats, including PDF and HTML, and can be printed or sent by email. For more information about reports, see Reports.
Each of the topics of this chapter provides reference information about a particular MYOB Advanced report, including details about the applicable report parameters you can use to select the exact data you want to view and analyze.