Assignment Maps
Form ID: (EP205010)
You can use this form to create and edit assignment maps for leads, contacts, business accounts, cases, opportunities, email activities, purchase receipts, requests, or requisitions. For the selected entity type, you create rules, based on properties of the entities, to be used to assign entities to workgroups and to particular employees.
For more information about how you can manage assignment maps, see Managing Assignment and Approval Maps.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Summary Area
You use the elements in this area to create a new assignment map or to select an existing map to view its details.
Element | Description |
Map | The identifier of the assignment map. For a new assignment map, the <NEW> string is displayed, indicating that a new identifier will be generated. |
Name | The name of the assignment map. |
Entity Type | The type of entity that should be assigned. |
Rules Pane
The pane toolbar buttons are listed in the table below.
Button | Description |
Add Rule | Adds a new rule to the bottom of the list. |
Up | Moves the selected rule (node) one position up in the list. |
Down | Moves the selected rule (node) one position down in the list. |
Delete | Deletes the selected rule (node). |
Show Rules Pane / Hide Rules Pane | Shows or hides the Rules pane. |
Conditions Tab
You use the table on this tab to specify the conditions that must be met to execute the rule. If conditions are not met, the rule is not executed, and the system checks the conditions for the next rule.
Element | Description |
Description | A brief description of the rule. |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the rule is active and the system executes it in accordance with the specified conditions. You clear this check box to deactivate the rule, which is then marked with the (Inactive) prefix in the Rules pane. |
The table toolbar includes standard buttons as well as buttons specific to the table. For the descriptions of the standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are described below.
Button | Description |
Insert | Inserts a new row above the selected row. |
Up | Moves the selected row one position up in the list. |
Down | Moves the selected row one position down in the list. |
Column | Description |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the condition is active and the system meets this condition when executing the rule. You clear this check box to deactivate the condition. |
Brackets | The opening bracket or brackets for enclosing a logical expression. Brackets are used to designate the order of operations. |
Entity | The entity the assignment map is associated with. |
Field Name | The name of a field (element) that stores a property of the entity. The property in this field will be compared to the specified value to determine whether the condition is true or false. |
Condition | The logical operation to apply to the value of the chosen data field. The following options are available: Equals, Does Not Equal, Is Greater Than, Is Greater Than or Equal To, Is Less Than, Is Less Than or Equal To, Contains, Starts With, Ends With, Does Not Contain, Is Between, Is Empty, and Is Not Empty. |
Value | The condition's first value to be compared with the data field value. Most of the conditions require only one value, while Is Between requires two values. |
Value 2 | The second value, if required by the selected condition. |
Brackets | The closing bracket or brackets for enclosing a logical expression. |
Operator | The logical operator to be used to connect logical expressions of separate lines. Brackets are used to designate the order of operations. |
Rule Actions Tab
This tab contains directions for the system to assign a proper owner to a record or document.
Element | Description |
Assign Ownership To | The source of the employee to whom the record or document should be assigned
for processing. To select an employee in accordance with the selected option, you
use the Employee box below. The following options are
Employee | The employee to whom the entity should be assigned if the conditions in the
Conditions tab are satisfied. One of the following options may be
Workgroup | The workgroup to which the entity should be assigned if the conditions in the Conditions tab are satisfied. |