Currency Management Preferences
Form ID: (CM101000)
You use this form, which holds the settings of the currency management functionality, to define the numbering sequences for currency management and the default rate types to be used for AR, AP, and cash transactions.
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Setup and Numbering Settings Section
In this section, you define the numbering sequences for the currency management functionality and specify the subaccount mask to be used for composing subaccounts.
Element | Description |
Batch Numbering Sequence | The numbering sequence that is used to assign numbers to batches of transactions originating in the currency management subledger. You can select the value from the list of numbering sequences available in the system. You can define a new numbering sequence or edit an existing one on the Numbering Sequences (CS201010) form. |
Translation Numbering Sequence |
The numbering sequence that is used to assign numbers to translations. You can select the value from the list of numbering sequences available in the system. You can define a new numbering sequence or edit an existing one on the Numbering Sequences form. This box appears on the form only if the Translation of Financial Statements feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Batch Ref. Number Numbering Sequence | The numbering sequence that is used to assign numbers to batches of AP and AR revaluations. You can select a value from the list of numbering sequences available in the system. You can define a new numbering sequence or edit an existing one on the Numbering Sequences form. |
Combine Gain/Loss Sub. From | The adjustable subaccount mask that defines the rule of composing
subaccounts for recording realized and unrealized gains and losses
and gains and losses resulting from rounding and translations.
Note: This rule is used for all currencies available in the
system. For each segment, point to the segment and press F3 to open the list of options. The following options (defining the source of the segment value) are available:
Note that the letter designating the option is repeated as many times as there are characters in the respective segment. For details, see Combined Subaccounts: General Information. |
Posting Settings Section
In this section, you define the posting setting for batches that have originated in the currency management subledger.
Element | Description |
Automatically Post to GL on Release | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the batches originating in the currency management subledger will be automatically posted to the general ledger on their release. This check box is selected by default. |
Data Entry Settings Section
In this section, you specify the settings related to rate variance and the default translation definition (if applicable).
Element | Description |
Warn About Rate Variance | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system issues a warning when the rate specified for a transaction exceeds the default rate by a value that is a particular percent greater than the Rate Variance Allowed, %. |
Rate Variance Allowed, % | The maximum rate variance allowed on transactions, expressed as a percent. Along with the Warn About Rate Variance option, this setting helps protect against input errors. |
Default Translation ID |
The default translation definition used for translations performed in the system. You can select it from the list of previously defined translation definitions, which are created on the Translation Definition (CM203000) form. You can save your changes to the form without specifying a default translation. This box appears on the form only if the Translation of Financial Statements feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Default Rate Types Section
In this section, you define the default rate types that are used for operations in different functional areas of the system. In the boxes of this section, you can select a currency rate type from the list of rate types defined in the system on the Currency Rate Types (CM201000) form.
Element | Description |
GL Rate Type |
The default rate type to be used in the general ledger and for translations. By default, the SPOT currency rate type is selected. |
GL Revaluation Rate Type | The default rate type for revaluations performed for currency denominated accounts. |
CA Rate Type |
The default rate type to be used in cash entries and funds transfers if no rate type is associated with the selected cash account. By default, the SPOT currency rate type is selected. |
AR Rate Type |
The default rate type to be used in AR documents if no rate type is associated with the selected customer. By default, the SPOT currency rate type is selected. |
AR Revaluation Rate Type | The default rate type to be used for revaluation of accounts receivable. |
AP Rate Type |
The default rate type to be used in AP documents if no rate type is associated with the selected vendor. By default, the SPOT currency rate type is selected. |
AP Revaluation Rate Type | The default rate type to be used for revaluation of accounts payable. |