Cash Flow Forecast
Form ID: (CA401000)
You can use this form to view the 30-day cash flow forecasts for all existing cash accounts or for only the cash account you have selected. For details about forecast calculation, see Cash Flow Forecasting.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.
Button | Description |
View as a Report | Opens the Cash Flow Forecast (CA658000) report, which is generated for the selected data. |
Selection Area
You use the elements in this area to select a cash account and a start date for the cash flow forecast. Also, you can select whether to include unreleased, unapplied, and scheduled documents. You can select whether to view the resulting forecast with all the available details or only the summary information.
Element | Description |
Start Date | The start date for the 30-day forecast. |
Company/Branch |
The company, branch, or company group for which you want to view the cash flow forecast. The box shows the list of the companies, branches, and company groups to which you have access. The default value is the current branch or the company to which you are signed in. This box appears on the form if the Multibranch Support feature has been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. If the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled, this setting is required. |
Cash Account |
The cash account for which you want to view the cash flow forecast. This box is available only if the All Cash Accounts check box is cleared. |
Include Documents Without Cash Account | A check box that you select to include in the forecast calculation the documents with no cash account specified. The system attempts to assign a cash account to each such document based on vendor or customer default settings, and for the specified cash account, the system shows the document only if the assigned default account matches the selected account. If no account was assigned, the document is shown on the selected cash account. If you have selected no cash account, specify the Default Cash Account to include all the documents with no cash account specified. |
All Cash Accounts | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the cash flow forecast is calculated for all cash accounts entered in the system. |
Default Cash Account |
The cash account for which you want to view the forecast. This element is available only if you have selected no cash account and have selected the Include Documents Without Cash Account check box. |
Forecast Currency | The currency to which you want to convert the forecast. |
Currency Rate Type | The exchange rate to be used for the conversion of the forecast. |
Include Unreleased Documents | A check box that you select to include unreleased documents in the forecast calculation. |
Include Unapplied Payments | A check box that you select to include unapplied payments in the forecast calculation. |
Include Scheduled Documents | A check box that you select to include the recurring documents that should be generated during the 30-day period of the forecast. |
Show Summary Only | A check box that you select to view only the beginning and ending balances for the 30-day period and the 30-day totals, where applicable. |
In this table, you can view the details of the forecast. There are three types of rows for each of the included cash accounts:
- A row of the Cash On Hand type that shows the beginning and ending balances of the cash account and the balances of this account on each of the 30 days
- A row of the Cash Paid Out type that shows the total amount to be paid out to a specific vendor (or customer) from the cash account or from all cash accounts on each day of the 30-day period
- A row of the Cash Receipts type that shows the total amount to be collected as customer payments to the cash account on each day of the 30-day period
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Type | The type of the cash forecast detail shown in the row. Select
one of the following options:
Cash Account | The cash account for which the forecast details are calculated. |
Description | The user-provided description of the cash account. |
Customer/Vendor | The business account of the customer or vendor associated with the cash forecast detail. |
Account Name | The name of the customer or vendor associated with the detail. |
Forecast Tran. | The amount of the anticipated cash transactions that were manually entered for the cash account. |
Summary Amount | The summary amount. The type of the amount shown depends on the row type. |