BOM Compare
Form ID: (AM410000)
The purpose of this form to compare the operation details of bills of materials, ECR, and ECO records to each other. The operation details consist of Materials, Steps, Tools, and Overhead. The difference between the records are highlighted and both records are displayed. This process has been made available on the Bill of Material (AM208000), Engineering Change Request (AM210000), and Engineering Change Order (AM215000) forms. The Engineering Change Control feature requires additional licensing. When called from an ECR or ECO, the ECR or ECO and the referenced bill of material are automatically loaded to the form.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Selection Area
The left and right areas are where you select bills, ECR, or ECO details to compare. There are no restrictions for the types of records or the status of the records to compare.
Element | Description |
BOM Type | You can select any of the following:
BOM ID | The BOM ID to compare. This box is displayed when BOM is selected in the BOM Type box. |
ECR ID | The ECR ID to compare. This box is displayed when ECR is selected in the BOM Type box. |
ECO ID | The ECO ID to compare. This box is displayed when ECO is selected in the BOM Type box. |
Revision | The revision of a bill of materials. Not applicable to ECR or ECO. |
Compare Panes
The selected bills of material, ECR, or ECO records are shown side by side as a tree view for the operation and their details on the right and left panes. Records that are the same inventory item but have a different values for any column, excluding notes and attachments, are marked with the warning icon (yellow exclamation point); records that match exactly are marked with the okay icon (green dot); records that do not exist on the other side have a red X icon.
The left and right panes are used to select the operation details records to compare. You click on a material, step, tool, or overhead line on the left or right tree and the same record type on the right. The left record selected is displayed in the first line of the lower half of the form and the right record is displayed as the second line.Materials Tab
On this tab, you can compare settings of the material that are selected in the left and right panels. The top line corresponds to the material selected in the left pane; the second line corresponds to the material selected in the right pane. The settings that differ are highlighted with yellow.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Element | Description |
ID | The identifier of the bill of material, ECO, or ECR that is selected in either the left or right pane. |
Revision | The revision of the bill of material, ECO, or ECR that is selected in either the left or right pane. |
Inventory ID | The identifier of the item used as a material. |
Subitem |
The subitem of the inventory item. This box is visible only if the Inventory
Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features
(CS100000) form.
Important: The Inventory
Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features form because the functionality associated
with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature
enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the
feature, contact your MYOB support provider. |
Description | The description of the inventory item. |
Qty Required |
The material quantity needed to produce the item. The system calculates the final quantity based on the combination of this value and the value of the Batch Size column. A negative quantity indicates that the row represents a by-product. |
The unit of measure for the quantity specified in the Qty Required column. The system copies the default value from the Stock Items (IN202500) form. You can specify a different unit of measure, if needed. |
Unit Cost |
The unit cost for the material. The system copies the default value from the Price/Cost tab of the Stock Items form depending on the valuation method of the item as follows:
You can change the unit cost, if needed. If the unit cost was not changed manually, the system updates this value during the cost roll process on the Cost Roll (AM508000) form. |
Planned Cost | The planned cost of the inventory item. The system calculates the planned cost
when a user creates a production order based on the BOM and then recalculates the
cost when the user releases the production order. Attention: This column
has been added for informational purposes only. |
Material Type |
The type of the material. You can select one of the following options:
Phantom Routing |
The way of adding operations of the material that is a phantom subassembly to production orders based on the BOM. You can select one of the following options:
Backflush |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the material is backflushed. If the check box is cleared, you must issue materials for the operation on the Materials (AM300000) form before workers can record labor time or produced item quantities. The system copies the default state of this check box from the Backflush Materials check box on the Work Centers (AM207000) form. |
Warehouse | The warehouse from which the material is issued. If this box is empty, the system uses the warehouse specified in the Warehouse box of a production order on the Production Order Maintenance (AM201500) form. |
Location |
The warehouse location from which the material is issued. If the column is empty, the system selects a warehouse location, as described in Production Processing: Selection of Warehouse Locations. If the Backflush check box is selected and the warehouse location is specified, the material is issued only from this location as follows:
Comp BOM ID |
The bill of material that is used to produce the material that is a subassembly. You can specify the BOM in this column if a bill of material that differs from the default one should be used to produce the material for the BOM selected in the Summary area. If the column is empty, the system uses the BOM specified in the Default BOM ID box either on the Stock Items or Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form. |
Comp BOM Revision | The revision of the BOM that is specified in the Comp BOM ID. This box is required if the BOM is specified. |
Scrap Factor |
The scrap or shrinkage factor for the material. The system uses this value to calculate the needed material quantity and the material cost for the item being produced in a production order and during material requirements planning. You enter the scrap percentage as a decimal value, such as 0.1 for 10% of scrap per item unit. You specify this value if the material scrap is common and the system must consider it during the calculation of the material quantity and cost. |
Bubble Number | The number of the material on the engineering drawing that relates to the BOM. |
Effective Date | The date when the system starts using the material for the item production. This date is independent of the start and end dates of the BOM. |
Expiration Date | The date when the system stops using the material for the item production. This date is independent of the start and end dates of the BOM. |
Change Status |
The status of changes in the row. The value can be one of the following:
Steps Tab
On this tab, you can compare settings of the steps that are selected in the left and right panels. The top line corresponds to the step selected in the left pane; the second line corresponds to the step selected in the right pane. The settings that differ are highlighted with yellow.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Element | Description |
ID | The identifier of the bill of material, ECO, or ECR that is selected in either the left or right pane. |
Revision | The revision of the bill of material, ECO, or ECR that is selected in either the left or right pane. |
Description | The description of the step in the work instruction. |
Change Status |
The status of changes in the row. The value can be one of the following:
Tools Tab
On this tab, you can compare settings of the tools that are selected in the left and right panels. The top line corresponds to the tool selected in the left pane; the second line corresponds to the tool selected in the right pane. The settings that differ are highlighted with yellow.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Element | Description |
ID | The identifier of the bill of material, ECO, or ECR that is selected in either the left or right pane. |
Revision | The revision of the bill of material, ECO, or ECR that is selected in either the left or right pane. |
Tool ID | The identifier of the tool. |
Description | The read-only description of the tool, which the system copies from the Tools form. |
Qty Required | The quantity of the tool per item unit that is required for the operation. |
Unit Cost |
The unit cost of the tool. By default, the system copies this cost from the Tools form, but you can change the cost if needed. |
Change Status |
The status of changes in the row. The value can be one of the following:
Overhead Tab
On this tab, you can compare settings of the overhead records that are selected in the left and right panels. The top line corresponds to the record selected in the left pane; the second line corresponds to the record selected in the right pane. The settings that differ are highlighted with yellow.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Element | Description |
ID | The identifier of the bill of material, ECO, or ECR that is selected in either the left or right pane. |
Revision | The revision of the bill of material, ECO, or ECR that is selected in either the left or right pane. |
Overhead ID | The overhead identifier. |
Description | The read-only overhead description, which the system copies from the Overhead form. |
Type | The read-only overhead type, which the system copies from the Overhead form. |
Factor | The multiplier that the system uses to calculate the overhead cost for the operation. The system applies the multiplier to the cost rate specified on the Overhead form. |
Change Status |
The status of changes in the row. The value can be one of the following: