Estimate Operation
Form ID: (AM304000)
You can use this form to enter operation details for an estimate and must be used to add materials, overhead, and tools to an estimate operation. When you make changes on this form, the system adds records to the Estimate History tab and updates the estimate settings on the Estimate (AM303000) form.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Summary Area
In this area, you can view and edit settings for a selected operation.
The calculated costs for an operation are based on the work center standard rate per hour. You can edit the costs by selecting the Override check box to the right of the cost box and specifying the needed value. When you specify a cost, the total cost is recalculated.
Column | Description |
Estimate ID | The estimate identifier. |
Revision | The estimate revision. |
Operation Nbr. | The reference number of the operation in the selected estimate. |
Work Center | The work center where the operation takes place. |
Operation Description | The description of the operation. |
Setup Time |
The time it takes to prepare to start the operation. Based on this time, the system adds a fixed labor cost to the cost of the produced item regardless of the size of the order. The system always backflushes the setup time for the first labor or move transaction to record the quantity completed. |
Run Units |
The number of units produced during the specified run time for the operation. |
Run Time |
The time required to produce the specified run units of the operation. If the number of run units is zero, then the system does not consider the run time in the production cost. |
Machine Unis |
The number of units produced during the specified machine time for the operation. You specify the value of this box if machines are involved in the operation. |
Machine Time |
The time required to produce the number of machine units specified for the operation. If the number of machine units is zero, then the system does not consider the machine time in the production cost. You specify the value of this box if machines are involved in the operation. |
Queue Time |
The time a semi-finished item has to wait in the work center before workers can start processing the item. |
Finish Time |
The time required for the semi-finished item to be prepared for the next operation when the current operation has been finished. |
Move Time |
The time for a semi-finished item to be moved from the work center where the current operation is performed to the work center where the next operation will be performed. |
Backflush Labor |
A check box that
indicates (if selected) that the system backflushes the cost of
labor hours spent for the operation.
Attention: The
system does not apply this setting to machine time, which is
always backflushed. |
Control Point |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the operation is a control point. If it is, for this operation, workers must record the quantity of completed items. |
Fix Labor Cost | Total operation fixed labor cost from setup time. |
Var Labor Cost | Total operation variable labor cost. |
Machine Cost | Total operation machine cost. |
Material Cost | Total operation material cost. |
Tool Cost | Total operation tool cost. |
Fix Overhead Cost | Total operation fixed overhead cost. |
Var Overhead Cost | Total operation variable overhead cost. |
Subcontract Cost | Total operation subcontract cost. |
Total Cost | Total operation cost. |
Ref. Material Cost | The costs for vendor supplied materials and are not included in the total cost. |
Materials Tab
Material are the components used to build the estimate inventory item and can be stock, non-stock, or non-inventory. You must however, convert non-inventory items to either stock and/or non-stock inventory items before you can use the estimate to create a bill of material or production order.
You can use the Create Inventory Items (AM507000) form to convert the non-inventory items to stock or non-stock inventory items.
Button | Description |
Reset Lines | This resets the Line Order column back to the original order by Line Nbr. |
Column | Description |
Inventory ID | The identifier of the material. You can select an existing stock item or non-stock item. You can also type the new identifier, which does not exist in the system, that is, specify a non-inventory item. |
Subitem |
The subitem of the inventory item. This column is visible only if the Inventory
Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features
(CS100000) form.
Important: The Inventory
Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features form because the functionality associated
with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature
enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the
feature, contact your MYOB support provider. |
Description | The description of the material. |
Qty Required |
The quantity of the item required to produce one parent item. If you need to enter a by-product of the operation, you specify the negative value in this column. |
UOM | The unit of measure for the inventory item. The system copies the default value from the Stock Items (IN202500) form. You can specify another UOM is needed. |
Batch Size | The quantity required per batch. A batch is the production order quantity to
Total Required | The calculation uses the Batch Size as follows:
In both cases, the quantity will be rounded up if the Qty. Round Up is selected. |
Unit Cost | The planned unit cost for the item, which the system uses when calculating the cost of the parent item before the material transaction is created for the production order. The value of this box is updated by the cost roll process. When you add a new material item the system copies the default value from the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form if the item is stored in multiple warehouses or from the Stock Items form is the item is stored in one warehouse. |
Material Type |
The type of the material. You can select one of the following options:
Subcontract Source |
The source of the material. The column is available only when Subcontract is selected in the Material Type box. You can select one of the following options:
Phantom Routing | A box that indicates whether the routing of the phantom component will be added
to the production order (Before or After) or ignored (Exclude).
Before is the default. If Before, the operations of the phantom component will be included on the production order and positioned in the production order before the parent operation. The time it takes to make the phantom is not included. If after, the operations of the phantom component will be included on the production order and positioned in the production order after the parent operation. If excluded, none of the phantom operations will appear, only the material components contained in the phantom will appear on the production order. |
Backflush | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should backflush the material. |
Warehouse | The warehouse from which this material should be issued. |
Scrap Factor | Scrap or shrinkage factor for the material required. Enter 10% as .0.1, 5% as 0.05. Both MRP and production management will scale up the quantity required. |
Non-Inventory | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the material is a non-inventory item, that is, the item not existing in the system. |
Tools Tab
On this tab, the user can specify tools needed in the production of the finished good at each operation, if necessary. Tools are included in the cost of an item. Tools are defined by using the Tools (AM205500) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Tool ID | Tool ID that will be used in the operation and must already exist. |
Description | The description of the tool which will default in based off of the tool ID entered. |
Quantity Required | The user will enter the quantity required of the tool that is needed to produce the finished good. |
Unit Cost | The unit cost for the tool which will default in from the Tools table. |
Overhead Tab
On this tab, the user can specify overhead required during production of the finished good at each operation, if necessary. Overhead is included in the cost of an item. Overheads are defined on the Overhead (AM202500) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Overhead | The overhead rate code to apply to this operation and it must exist. |
Description | The description of the overhead rate selected. |
Type | The type, Fixed or Amount, will be pulled from the Overhead table and cannot be changed of this form. |
Factor | Factor assigned by the user that will be used to determine the cost. This factor will be multiplied by the cost rate in the Overhead table to determine the overhead cost associated with the work center. |
Outside Process Tab
On this tab, if the operation is specified for an outside process of a work center, you can specify the Vendor and Location.
Element | Description |
Outside Process | When selected, this operation is performed by a vendor. This is defaulted from the work center. |
Drop Shipped to Vendor | When selected, it indicates that the operation quantity is shipped from a previous source/vendor. |
Vendor | The vendor that will be doing the outside process. |
Location | The specific vendor purchase from and deliver to location. This can only be specified if the Business Account Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Side Panel
By using the side panel, you can continue viewing the estimate operation that you have opened on the form while simultaneously viewing information related to the operation.
The side panel has one tab, which you can view by clicking the tab's icon. This tab is described below.
Tab | Description |
Estimate | The Estimate (AM303000) form, which displays information for the estimate ID copied from the current estimate operation. |