Materials Wizard
The Materials Wizard is invoked from the Materials (AM300000) form and is not a menu item. This process does not do any updating of the production order or inventory; it is a tool to facilitate the creation of the actual material issues. If you are using allocations for production materials you can also use the Unreleased Material Allocations (AM305500) form to create a materials batch particularly when you have created purchase orders from the Critical Materials (AM401000) form.
The Wizard has two phases described in the following sections.
Select Production Orders
It will create a list of open material requirements for production orders in a Released, In Process, or Closed status with a remaining quantity to produce.
By entering in a different Quantity to Produce in the Wizard, it will recalculate the necessary components based on making a quantity that is less than what the production order requires. This allows you to release only the materials you need for the quantity currently being produced.
Select Materials
After selecting the desired production orders, the wizard will then calculate a list of materials required by the selected production orders, showing the quantity on hand for those inventory items. You have the ability to change the quantity of the material that you want to release. The following rules are used to select materials:
- If a specific warehouse and location are specified on the Production Details, only that warehouse and location are considered.
- If condition 1 is not met, then the locations are selected using the rules described in Production Processing: Selection of Warehouse Locations.
- If there is insufficient inventory for condition #2, it will select additional qualifying locations with inventory on hand.
- By-products are always included as long as they are not set for backflush.
After selecting the materials you wish to issue, the created materials batch is displayed where you can make further adjustments, delete lines from the table, or even delete the entire batch.
Materials Wizard 1 (AM300010)
This is the Select Production Orders phase.
Command | Description |
Select |
Processes the selected production orders. |
Select All |
Processes the selected production orders. |
Cancel |
Stops the process and returns you to the originating form. |
Element | Description |
Remove unreleased batch qty from calculations | This will subtract the unreleased materials batch transactions for each production order from the quantity to be issued. An unreleased batch has a status of On Hold or Balanced. Checking this option may increase the processing time if there are a large number of materials batches that have not been released. |
Column | Description |
Selected | If selected this production order will move the next phase. |
Order Type | This is a order type of the production order. |
Production Nbr | This is a production order with open material requirements. |
Inventory ID | This is the stock item being manufactured. |
Subitem |
This column is visible only if the Inventory
Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features
(CS100000) form.
Important: The Inventory
Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features form because the functionality associated
with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature
enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the
feature, contact your MYOB support provider. |
Warehouse | This is the warehouse to receive completions. |
Qty to Produce | This is the calculate remaining Qty to Produce and you can change it for this process. |
UOM | The base unit of measure. |
Qty Complete | This displays the total completed to date. |
Qty Remaining | This displays the remaining quantity to produce. |
Order Date | The date the Production Order was entered |
Status | The current status of the order; only orders with a status of Released, In-Process, or Completed are displayed. |
Start Date | The start date of the production order |
End Date | This is the expected completion date |
Customer | The customer associated to this production order. This can be manually assigned by creating the production order from a sales order. |
SO Order Type | This box is filled in if a sales order generated the production order. |
SO Order Number | This box is filled in if a sales order generated the production order. Attention: Referencing the sales order does not guarantee that when the
product is completed this sales order will be selected for shipments on the Process Orders (SO501000) form. |
SO Line Number | This is the reference to the sales order line. |
Product Order | If the current production order is a sub-assembly for a finished good and it was generated from a top level production order, this is the production order number of the top level item. |
Parent Order | If the current production order is a sub-assembly of another production order and it was generated from a top level production order, this is the production order number of the immediate parent item. |
Materials Wizard 2 (AM300020)
This is the Select Materials Phase.
Command | Description |
Select |
Processes the selected production orders/material issues. |
Select All |
Processes the selected production orders/material issues. |
Cancel |
Stops the process and returns you to the originating form. |
Column | Description |
Selected | Select this check box to have this material requirement returned to the Materials (AM300000) form as an issue. |
Inventory Id | The inventory ID of the material to be issued. |
Subitem |
This column is visible only if the Inventory
Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features
(CS100000) form.
Important: The Inventory
Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features form because the functionality associated
with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature
enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the
feature, contact your MYOB support provider. |
Required Qty | The process defaulted the quantity to the remaining quantity required of this materials from the production order. You can change this quantity |
UOM (Unit of Measure) | This is the Unit of Measure specified on the production order details. |
Available Qty | This is the running total of the quantity available based on the sequence of production orders from the first step. |
Warehouse | This is the warehouse from which this material will be issued. If not specified on the production order details, the warehouse from the assembly is used. |
Location | The location specified on the production order details. If blank, then the location will be determined when the materials batch is created. |
Production Nbr | The production order requiring this material. |
Operation ID | The operation on the production order requiring this material. |
By-Product | This identifies a by-product that will be received into inventory. |