Material Transaction Detail
Form ID: (AM000015)
On this form, you can view the list of materials issued for production with details about material transactions that have been generated on the Materials (AM300000) form, such as the transaction identifier and date, the lot or serial numbers assigned to each material, and the reference number of the production order for which the material has been issued. In addition, you can select the materials that meet particular criteria, such as the reference number of the production order, the lot or serial number of the material, and the lot or serial number of the produced item for which the material has been used.
- For faster loading of data, this form initially displays the first 100 records it finds. If the record you are looking for is not displayed, you can use the selection criteria to narrow the range of the records.
- If the lot or serial number of a produced item was assigned to materials after the material transaction containing the materials was released, you will not be able to find the materials assigned to this lot or serial number by using this form because this lot or serial number is not stored in the material transaction record. You can use other forms, such as As-Built Configuration (AM401700) or Where Used in Production (AM402500), to find these materials.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Selection Area
You can use the settings in this area to narrow the range of materials listed in the table. The elements of this area are summarized below.
Element | Description |
Order Type | The type of the production order. You select a value in this box if you want the system to display only production orders of this type in the lookup table of the Production Nbr. box. |
Production Nbr. | The reference number of the production order that contains the materials to be displayed in the table. |
Material Inventory ID | The identifier of the material whose units will be displayed in the table. |
Parent Inventory ID | The identifier of the produced item that contains the materials to be displayed in the table. |
Material Lot/Serial Nbr. | The lot or serial number of the material to be displayed in the table. |
Parent Lot/Serial Nbr. |
The lot or serial number of the produced item that contains the materials to be displayed in the table. |
In this table, you can view the list of materials issued for production orders and the settings of each material.
Column | Description |
Material Inventory ID | The identifier of the material. |
Batch Nbr. | The number of the material transaction generated on the Materials (AM300000) form. |
Tran. Date | The date of the material transaction. |
Warehouse |
The warehouse, which the system copies from the material transaction. This column is visible only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Location |
The warehouse location, which the system copies from the material transaction. This column is visible only if the Multiple Warehouse Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Lot/Serial Nbr. |
The lot or serial number of the material. This column is visible only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Quantity | The quantity of the material item issued in the transaction. |
UOM | The unit of measure for the material quantity. |
Order Type | The type of the production order for which the material has been issued. |
Production Nbr. | The reference number of the production order for which the material has been issued. |
Operation ID | The identifier of the operation in the production order for which the material has been issued. |
Parent Lot/Serial Nbr. |
The lot or serial number of the produced item to which the material is assigned. This column is visible only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Parent Inventory ID | The identifier of the produced item. |