License Restrictions for the Number of MYOB Advanced Users
In MYOB Advanced, system administrators can check the limits for system resources specified in their license by using the License Monitoring Console (SM604000) form.
One limit shown on this form is the maximum numbers of users allowed to use the system concurrently according to the currently applied license. This topic describes this limit and the way it works in MYOB Advanced.
User Types
- Conventional users: These users sign in by using their user names and passwords either on the MYOB Advanced Sign-In page, or through the mobile application, or through single sign-on page provided that SSO with Google or Microsoft Account has been set up.
- API users: These users are client applications that sign in by using the method for singing in of the contract-based SOAP API, contract-based REST API, or screen-based SOAP API, or by using OAuth 2.0 mechanism of authorization for applications.
License Restrictions
Trial mode allows only two conventional users and two API user to concurrently use the system. Once a license has been applied to your MYOB Advanced instance, the particular license defines how many user sessions can be active in the instance.
The license restriction for conventional users is shown in the Concurrent Users box on the License tab of the License Monitoring Console (SM604000) form. When an extra conventional user signs in to the system and the number of user sessions exceeds this license restriction, the user with the earliest sign-in time is forcibly signed out.
On the License tab of the License Monitoring Console form, the Maximum Number of Web Services API Users box displays the license restriction for API users. When an extra API user tries to sign in to the system and the number of API user sessions exceeds your license restriction, an error message is returned and the sign-in process is interrupted. For details about the license limitations for the API users, see License Restrictions for API Users.
Multiple User Sessions for the Same User
You can define how the MYOB Advanced instance handles conventional users (but not API users) who try to sign in using the same user name—for example, from different browsers. In the site web.config settings, you can use the <concurrentUserMode> parameter to specify whether the system allows users to sign in multiple times under the same user name.
If the <concurrentUserMode> parameter is set to false (the default setting), the system allows multiple user sessions under the same user name or names. For example, 10 users can sign in as admin, 10 user sessions are created, and all of them are counted to comply with the concurrent user limit.
If the <concurrentUserMode> is true, the system allows only one user session under each user name. If anyone tries to sign in the system with a user name that is already signed in, the system will forcibly sign out the first user that is signed in with this user name.
For details on changing the default system behavior to disallow multiple user sessions for the same user, see To Limit Users to One Session.