Subaccounts: Implementation Activity
In this activity, you will learn how to enable the appropriate feature to use subaccounts, define the structure of subaccounts, and specify the allowable values for subaccount segments in the system.
Suppose that the management of SweetLife Fruits & Jams company wants to report the company’s expenses by department and its revenue by groups of products (referred to as items in the system).
Acting as a system administrator, you have to perform the needed actions to configure subaccounts in the system. The subaccounts will consist of two segments: one that represents a product, and the other that represents a department. You also have to specify the values for each segment and set up the subaccounts so that users enter subaccounts on data entry forms by selecting the values segment by segment.
Process Overview
To configure subaccounts in the system, you will first enable the Subaccounts feature on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. You will then configure the SUBACCOUNT segmented key according to the company's business needs on the Segmented Keys (CS202000) form. Finally, you will assign values to the segments on the Segment Values (CS203000) form. You will then check the subaccounts on the Subaccounts (GL203000) form and change them if necessary.
System Preparation
You need to launch the MYOB Advanced website and sign in to a tenant with the U100 dataset preloaded. Sign in as a system administrator by using the following credentials:
- Username: gibbs
- Password: 123
Step 1: Enabling the Subaccounts Feature
To enable the Subaccounts feature, do the following:
- Open the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
- On the form toolbar, click Modify to make it possible to change the set of enabled features.
- Select the Subaccounts check box under the Advanced Financials group of features.
- On the form toolbar, click Enable.
In a production environment, after the features are enabled and before you proceed with implementation, you have to activate the MYOB Advanced license by using the Activate License (SM201510) form. In this practice activity, you are using MYOB Advanced under the trial license, which does not require activation and provides all available features.
Step 2: Modifying the SUBACCOUNT Segmented Key
To modify the SUBACCOUNT segmented key, do the following:
- Open the Segmented Keys (CS202000) form.
- In the Segmented Key ID box of the Summary area, select SUBACCOUNT.
- In the Lookup Mode box, select By Segment: All Avail. Segment
Values. Notice that the Allow Adding New Values On the Fly check
box becomes selected automatically.
In this lookup mode, users can combine subaccounts from the needed segments during data entry. For each segment, a user can type an allowed value or press F3 to select a value from the predefined list. Each new combination is saved to the list that you can view and edit on the Subaccounts (GL203000) form.
- In the table, for the 1 segment, specify the following settings:
- Description: Product Group
- Length: 3
- Validate: Selected
These settings mean that the validation of segment values is turned on for the segment. With this check box selected, a user can add a value to this particular segment only by selecting the value from the list of available ones.
- On the table toolbar, click Add Row, and specify the following
settings in a new row:
- Description: Department
- Length: 3
- Validate: Selected
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
You have defined the SUBACCOUNT segmented key according to the company's business needs. You will now define the available values for each segment.
Step 3: Defining the Allowable Values for the Segments of the SUBACCOUNT Segmented Key
To define the segment values, do the following:
- While you are still viewing the SUBACCOUNT segmented key on the Segmented Keys (CS202000) form,
click 1 in the Segment ID column of the table.
The system opens the Segment Values (CS203000) form for the 1 segment of the SUBACCOUNT segmented key.
- On the table toolbar, click Add Row, and specify the following
- Value: 000
- Description: All other products
- Add five more rows with the following sets of values, which represent the group of items to
which the applicable item belongs.
Value Description ELE Electronics and computer equipment EQU Juicers and their components FRU Fruit JAM Jams NSS Non-stock items and services - On the form toolbar, click Save.
- In the Segment ID box, select 2.
- Add six rows with the following sets of values, which represent the applicable
Value Description 000 Corporate ENG After-sales engineering FIN Finance MKT Marketing OPS Operations SLS Sales - On the form toolbar, click Save.
You have specified the allowable values for subaccount segments.
Step 4: Changing Subaccounts
Because you have enabled the Subaccounts feature on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and configured subaccounts in the system, in which transactions have already been added, the system added the 0 subaccount to which all these transactions are now related. You need to change this subaccount so that it contains the values that you have specified for the SUBACCOUNT segmented key. Do the following:
- Open the Subaccounts (GL203000) form.
- In the Subaccount column, for the only row, double-click the subaccount identifier, and change it to 000-000.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
- In the dialog box that opens, click Yes.
Now all the transactions that existed before you have configured subaccounts relate to the 000-000 subaccount.
You have configured the subaccounts in the system. Now the appropriate subaccounts must be specified for every transaction in the system.