Duplicate Validation: Implementation Activity
The following implementation activity will show you how to configure duplicate validation in MYOB Advanced.
Suppose that you, as an implementation consultant for the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company. You need to review and modify the duplicate validation settings in MYOB Advanced in order to provide users with the following abilities:
- To check leads for duplicates against existing leads on entry (before a new record is saved for the first time) and warn a user if a new lead has an email address that is identical to the email address of the existing lead
- To check business accounts for duplicates against existing accounts on entry, prevent the creation of business accounts that have identical email addresses, and warn users about duplicate account names
System Preparation
Before you start configuring duplicate validation, you should do the following:
- Launch the MYOB Advanced website with the U100 dataset preloaded.
- Sign in to the system as implementation consultant Kimberly Gibbs by using the
following credentials:
- Username: gibbs
- Password: 123
- Make sure that on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Duplicate Validation feature has been enabled.
- Make sure that on the Company and Branch Selection menu, in the top pane of the MYOB Advanced screen, the SweetLife Head Office and Wholesale Center branch is selected.
Step 1: Reviewing Duplicate Validation Settings
To review the existing duplicate validation settings, do the following:
- Open the Duplicate Validation (CR103000) form. Notice that in the Comparison pane, the Lead to Lead node is selected by default; you will check its settings.
- In the right pane of the form, to review the settings used to specify the
duplicate validation rules for leads, do the following:
- In the table, notice the following:
- The total of the values in the Score Weight column is 10.5, which exceeds the value in the Validation Score Threshold box (Rules of Comparison section).
- In the row with the Email matching field, in the Create on Entry column, the Warn option is selected, and in the Score Weight column, the validation score is 5, which is equal to the value in the Validation Score Threshold box.
- In the Rules of Comparison section, the Validate on Entry check box is selected and unavailable for changing.
With these settings specified, if a user tries to create a lead that has a duplicate value in this field, the system inserts Possible Duplicate in the Duplicate box of the Leads (CR301000) form for the lead and displays a warning message. The user can save the lead or cancel record creation.
- In the table, notice the following:
- In the Comparison pane, click the Account to Account node to view the duplicate validation rules for business accounts.
- In the right pane of the form, to review the settings used to specify the
duplicate validation rules for business accounts, do the following:
- In the table, notice the following:
- The total of the values in the Score Weight column is 7.5, which exceeds the value in the Validation Score Threshold box.
- In each row with a matching field, in the Create on Entry column, the Allow option is selected, and the value in the Score Weight column is less than the value in the Validation Score Threshold box, which is 5.
- In the Rules of Comparison section, the Validate on Entry check box is cleared and available for changing.
With these settings specified, if a user tries to create a business account that has a duplicate field value, the system will not display a warning message when a user saves the newly created business account; it will insert Possible Duplicate in the Duplicate box of the Business Accounts (CR303000) form.
- In the table, notice the following:
Step 2: Modifying the Validation Rules for Business Accounts
Suppose that your marketing and sales teams need the system to validate business accounts against one another on entry by comparing email addresses, and to prevent the creation of a business account if another account with an identical email address already exists in the system. Also, the system should validate account names for duplicates and warn a user if another account with an identical account name already exists.
To modify the validation rules for business accounts, do the following:
- While you are still viewing the Duplicate Validation
(CR103000) form with the Account to Account node selected
in the Comparison pane, in the table, do the
- In the row with the Email matching field, notice 2 in the Score Weight column.
- In the row with the Email matching field, select Block in the Create on Entry column.
- In the row with the Account Name matching field, select Warn in the Create on Entry column.
Notice that for the Email and Account Name matching fields, the system has changed the value in the Score Weight column to 5, which equals the value in the Validation Score Threshold box (Rules of Comparison section of the right pane). Also notice that the Validate on Entry check box has become selected and unavailable for changing.
With these settings, when a user saves a business account that has been created on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form, the system checks the validated fields, including email address and account name, to be sure that their values are not identical to the values of these fields in other business accounts in the system. If the email address of a new business account is identical to an email address existing in the system, when the user tries to save the account for the first time, the system will display an error message. If the account name of a new business account is identical to an account name existing in the system, when the user tries to save the account for the first time, the system will open the Warning dialog box asking whether the user wants to save the duplicate business account.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
- In the Warning dialog box, which opens, click Yes.
- On the form toolbar of the Calculate Grams
(CR503400) form, which opens, click Process All. The
Processing dialog box opens, showing the progress of
gram calculation.Attention: In a production environment, it may take time for the system to process all records.
- When the processing has been completed and the results of gram calculation are shown, click Close to close the dialog box. The list of the records on the Calculate Grams form no longer contains any records.
You have modified the validation rules for business accounts. You have also calculated grams for all records. Now the system will validate business accounts according to the new rules that you have specified in this activity.