To Replace an Entry Form with a Custom Form
With MYOB Advanced, you can use your own custom forms as entry points to the entry forms. For more information on substitutes for entry forms, see Substitutes for Entry Forms. For more information on designing custom forms, see To Develop a Custom Form.
Note: A custom form that you want to use as a substitute to an entry form must be mapped to
the entry form.
To use a custom form as a substitute form for an entry form, you match your custom form to the entry form and activate the replacement by using the Lists as Entry Points (SM208500) form.
To Replace an Entry Form with a Custom Form
- Open the Lists as Entry Points (SM208500) form.
- On the form toolbar, click Add Row.
- In the Entry Screen Location box, select the entry form.
The ID of the form is displayed in the Entry Screen ID box.
- In the List Screen Location box, select the substitute
The ID of the form is displayed in the List Screen ID box.
- In the table, make sure that the Active check box is selected to replace the entry form with the substitute form.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.