Publishing Customization Projects
To apply a customization project to an instance of MYOB Advanced, you have to publish the customization project. You can also publish multiple customization projects at once; see Simultaneous Use of Multiple Customizations for details.
When you publish a customization project, the system applies the changes in the project to the website. After the customization project has been published, users see MYOB Advanced with the modifications of the project. The changes apply to the website of MYOB Advanced and therefore affect all tenants in the system (see Publication of Customization Projects in a Multitenant Site for details).
The MYOB Advanced Customization Platform provides the following ways to manage the publication process:
- You can develop and include in a customization project the custom code that is executed during the project publication. See Custom Processes During Publication of a Customization for details.
- By using additional attributes in DAC extensions, you can specify how the system should apply the original and custom attributes to the field. See Customization of Field Attributes in DAC Extensions for details.
- By using SQL script attributes, you can control the execution of batches in SQL scripts. See Using the SQL Script Attributes for details.
You can cancel the publication of the project and publish the project again, which you might do often during the development and testing of the customization. The application domain does not restart every time you publish the customization project because Run-Time Compilation is enabled for the website by default.
We recommend that you lock out the system for the time you publish customization projects (see To Schedule the System Lockout for details). After the publishing is complete, unlock the system (see To Unlock an MYOB Advanced Instance for details).
Publication in MYOB Advanced and on the Customer Portal
You can publish a customization project on the Customization Projects (SM204505) form of MYOB Advanced and the Customer Portal. Although MYOB Advanced and the Customer Portal share a database, customization projects published on the Customer Portal are independent from the MYOB Advanced instance due to a special column in the database tables that store customization items. This column identifies whether each customization item belongs to MYOB Advanced or to the Customer Portal.
When you unpublish a customization project, the system unpublishes all customization projects from MYOB Advanced or the Customer Portal, and it removes only those customization items that are related to the site where you are performing unpublishing. This means that if you unpublish customization projects in MYOB Advanced, all customization projects published in the Customer Portal will remain in the database. Similarly, when you unpublish projects in the Customer Portal, projects in MYOB Advanced will remain in the database.