To Merge Multiple Projects
As a rule, it is better to have multiple customization projects instead of a single one. But if you have two or more customization projects that contain changesets with the same items, and if you are sure that each project is valid and that the merged customization applies to the website properly, we recommend that you merge the projects. You use the Customization Projects (SM204505) form as a starting point.
To merge multiple customization projects, perform the following actions:
- Navigate to .
- In the project list, select the check boxes for only the projects to be merged.
- Click Publish on the form toolbar.
- Click View Published on the form toolbar to open the Published Customization Page.
- Click Download Package on the page toolbar to download the file, which includes the full content of the merged customization project.
The file is the deployment package of the merged customization project. You can use the merged project to publish the final customization project on the target website. You can rename the .zip file to assign the needed name to the customization project. To upload the deployment package to a target system, import the .zip file, as described in To Import a Project.