To Add a Custom Table to a Project
You use the Database Scripts page of the Customization Project Editor to add a custom table to a customization project. You can add a custom table to a project by adding the table schema or by adding a custom SQL script.
Adding the table schema is the optimal way of adding custom tables to the project. When you publish the customization project, the platform executes each SQL script of the project to update the database. If an Sql item contains a custom database table definition, to update the database with the table schema, the MYOB Advanced Customization Platform checks whether a table with this name already exists in the database. If the table exists, the platform generates SQL statements to alter the existing table so that it matches the schema. The platform does not drop the existing table, and it keeps any data in it. This helps to deploy a newer version of the customization project to a system that is already in use. If the table does not exist, the platform generates SQL statements to create the table. SQL statements are generated in the SQL dialect of the database management system. Therefore, if you add custom tables to the project by adding the table schema, you keep the customization project independent from the database management system that hosts the database of MYOB Advanced.
Alternatively, you can add custom tables by adding a custom SQL script that creates the table in the project, as described in To Add a Custom SQL Script to a Project.
To Add a Custom Table to a Customization Project
After you have created the needed table in the database by using a database administration tool, such as SQL Server Management Studio, you do the following:
- Open the customization project in the Customization Project Editor. (See To Open a Project for details.)
- In the navigation pane, click Database Scripts to open the Database Scripts page.
- On the More menu (under Actions), click Add Custom Table Schema.
- In the Add Custom Table Schema dialog box, which opens,
select the custom table in the Table box, and click
MYOB Advanced Customization Platform generates the table schema and adds the schema to the customization project as an Sql item.
Below is an example of the Sql item that contains the table schema of the custom table RBProduct.
<Sql TableName="RBProduct" TableSchemaXml="#CDATA">
<CDATA name="TableSchemaXml"><![CDATA[<table name="RBProduct">
<col name="ProductID" type="Int" identity="true" />
<col name="ProductCD" type="NVarChar(15)" />
<col name="ProductName" type="NVarChar(50)" />
<col name="Active" type="Bit" />
<col name="StockUnit" type="NVarChar(20)" />
<col name="UnitPrice" type="Decimal(19,6)" />
<col name="MinAvailQty" type="Decimal(25,6)" />
<col name="TStamp" type="Timestamp" />
<index name="RBProduct_PK" clustered="true" primary="true" unique="true">
<col name="ProductID" />