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Using Serviceable Units in Jobs

The list of serviceable units entered on the Details tab of the Job Management window forms a short list of units that may participate in the job.

One of these units will be the default. The default may be changed by right-clicking another unit and selecting Set as Default.

Pre-existing serviceable units may also be added to the job by right clicking in the grid and selecting Assign Serviceable Unit and then selecting from a search screen. A unit may be removed from the job by right clicking it and selecting Unassign Serviceable Unit.

Assigning Job Lines to Serviceable Units

When the Serviceable Units module is installed, you can use the Select visible columns function of the ExoGrids on the Timesheet, Costs, and invoice tabs to show a Serviceable Units column.

To change the serviceable unit on a line, enter "?" in this column to select a Serviceable Unit from the short list entered in the job details tab. A search screen of these units appears.

Note: Lines added to a job will automatically be tagged to the default serviceable unit listed for the job. It is therefore recommended that you construct the serviceable units list on the Details tab of the job before adding lines to the job.