Serial Numbers and the Quote Tab
MYOB EXO Business has a profile setting that allows actual costs to be recorded on individual serial numbers of an item. This is not a form of FIFO stock but does record the cost that the serial was receipted to stock with. This can be useful for high value items where shipments vary significantly in cost. In such cases, when quoting, it may be desirable to know the individual serials cost in terms of negotiating a selling price.
The Quote tab has the ability to display a Pref. Serial# (preferred serial number) column using the Select visible columns right-click menu option for the grid. This allows the operator to choose an existing serial that is in stock and not associated with another job. Enter the usual "?" to search in this column will display a list of serials that:
- Are in stock
- Are not pre-assigned to another transaction (e.g. Job, invoice or Sales order)
- Have not been selected as a preferred serial in another job line
Note: This third point makes this list different from just the unassigned serials that occur elsewhere in EXO Business products. Using a serial number in this indication of preference does not lock the serial number from being used elsewhere in the processing like pre-assignment does.