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Reversing Purchase Orders

There are two methods for reversing a Purchase Order in MYOB EXO Finance. You can reverse it through the original Purchase Order or you can reverse it through a new Purchase Order.

To reverse an order through the original Purchase Order:

  1. Open the original Purchase Order and click the Receipt button. The Purchase Order (Supply) window is displayed.

  2. Note the stock quantity in the Receipted field and type this quantity as a negative in the Receipt Now and Invoice Now fields.

    Note: If you have checked Invoice as Supplied, the quantity from the Receipt Now field is automatically copied into the Invoice Now fields.

  3. Click Process to reverse the order. The Payment/Entry window is displayed.

  4. Click OK to save this refund.

  5. If the creditor’s account is an Open Item account, the Allocation window is displayed and you can allocate the refund against the credit note. Once you have finished the process, the Purchase Orders (search) window is displayed.

Note: If you have checked Include Partly Processed Orders, the order that you have just reversed is marked as a backorder. You can now select this order and remove it from the purchase order system.

The creditor’s account in the Transactions tab now contains a credit. If you look at the transaction list for the stock item you reversed, you will see a credit here as well.

You can also reverse a Purchase Order without going back to the original Purchase Order:

  1. Create a new order and type the same details but with negative stock quantities.

  2. Once you have entered the details in the Purchase Order (Entry) window click the Receipt button and ensure that the Invoice as Supplied and Generate Creditor Invoice boxes are checked.

  3. Check the Enter Payment box if a payment has been entered.

  4. Type the same quantity that was supplied into the Supply Now box but as a negative quantity. If the Invoice as Supplied box has been checked, MYOB EXO Business automatically updates the Invoice Now column.

  5. Click the Process button to process the transaction. If you selected Generate Creditor Invoices, the Generate Creditor Invoice window is displayed.

  6. Click OK to save any changes that you make.