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GL Batch Transactions

Utilities > General Ledger Utilities > GL Batch Transactions

You can view transactions related to a specific GL Batch if you are looking for the location of a posted transaction.

To view a GL Batch:

  1. Open the GL Batch Transaction window.

  2. Select the batches to display:

    • Enter one or more numbers into the Batch No and click the Load button. You can specify a single batch number (for example, 50 that lists all batch transactions with the batch number 50) a batch range (for example, 50 – 55 that lists all batch transactions with batch numbers from 50 to 55) or selected batch numbers (for example, 50, 52, 54 which lists all batch transactions with batch numbers 50, 52,and 54).

    • Enter ? in the Batch No field and press Tab or Enter to open a search window, or click the button next to the Batch No field. Select one or more batches and click Select & Close.

  3. To group the displayed transactions, select one or more properties from the Grouping dropdown, then select the Group Transactions option.

  4. The batch details display:

    Field Descriptions



    Batch No

    The batch number of the listed batch.


    The date the last transaction in the batch was posted.

    GL Code

    The GL code related to this batch.

    GL Account

    The name of the GL account related to this batch.


    The period number of the transaction.

    Chq No

    The cheque number of the transaction, where applicable.

    Inv No

    The invoice number of the transaction, where applicable.


    The description of the GL account related to this batch.


    The Foreign Currency debit amount.

    This is available only if the batch contains foreign currency transactions.

    FC Credit

    Foreign currency credit amount. This is only available if the batch contains foreign currency transactions.


    The person who posted the transaction.


    The GL Sources that this batch is recorded in.

Click Print to print the batch report.