MYOB Exo Clarity

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Custom Dashboard Programs

Some of the standard Exo Business dashboard widgets include custom programs that could be useful in your widgets. Open the .CLR file for a widget in Exo Clarity to see the code for these programs and how they're used in the report.


This procedure was designed to be called when a chart is clicked on, with the index of the clicked value. While different reports work slightly differently, the procedure basically re-filters a drill-down pipeline, sets some variables, then shows and hides various parts of the report to actually make the drilldown happen. Finally the page is resized, as the drilldown view is rarely the same height as the original view.


This procedure does all the calculations to work out how high a report page should be, sets the height, then refreshes the report. This procedure differs somewhat between a few of the reports, because each report has a different page layout that requires a different height calculation.

SetDateFilterParm(Period, Refresh)

This procedure (designed for "Top X" reports) takes two parameters: a string of the period (Week, Month, Year or All) and a parameter stating whether the report should refresh after setting the filter parameters or not.

This calculates the "From" date to apply as the TRANSDATE field filter based on the selected period and the current date. The clicked "tab" is marked as selected, then the AutoSearch criteria is then set and the report is optionally refreshed. The optional refresh flag is in place to avoid unnecessary report refreshes which slow down the report significantly.

SetRecordCount(Count, Refresh)

Similar to above, but it sets the record count, edits the radio buttons and optionally refreshes the report.


This procedure performs the reverse of the Drilldown procedure, hiding what was shown and showing what was hidden. Re-filtering is not necessary. It also takes into account whether the original view was on the chart of table view and shows the appropriate components.

SetProgressBar(Region, Percent, Text)

This procedure sets the bar in the progress indicator to the desired length. You pass in a percentage (0-100) and it calculates the length for you. If you pass an empty text string it will simply show the percentage as a string.