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Sales Order Quick Supply

Transactions > Sales Orders > [Choose order] > Quick Supply

Use Sales Order Quick Supply to supply a single, complete sales order.

To process:

  • Multiple complete sales orders, use the Batch Sales Order Processing function.

  • Multiple sales order lines, from multiple sales orders, use the Batch Sales Order Line Processing function in the Distribution Advantage module.

Note: If you place goods on backorder, this function supplies and invoices only what is released. It does not force backorder quantities on sales order lines to release them.

To supply Sales Order through the Quick Supply window:

  1. Open the Sales Order.

  2. Click the Quick Supply button. The Quick Supply Order window displays:

  3. Select the processing options.

    Click the Details button to view more options, such as entering the invoice date or payment details, if those options are enabled.

    Click the Save as Default button to save the current processing options as the default settings for future uses of this window.

  4. Click OK.