MYOB Exo Business

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Creating a One-Off Stock Item

You can use the Create one-off stock item option in the Sales Order Entry, Purchase Order Entry, Debtors Invoice, Creditors Invoice, and Stock Transaction windows to create a stock item on-the-fly.

For example, if a customer trades in second hand TV, you can create a one-off stock item from the TVTRADE template stock item on a negative quantity Sales Order, or on a Purchase Order.

Note: Before creating a one-off stock item, you should complete the setup tasks.

To create a one-off stock item:

  1. Open the transaction that is to have a one-off stock item created — for example, a Debtor invoice.

  2. Right click on the transaction line and select Create one-off stock item. This window opens:

  3. Enter a stock item into the Stock code field in the Copy From section, or search for a stock item by typing ? and pressing Enter. Select Include inactive items and click Search.

    Selecting the Search template only option restricts the search to stock items with a classification of TEMPLATE.

  4. If the Copy From Stock code belongs to a stock group with an Autocode prefix or suffix, then Exo Business inserts a stock code in the Copy To Stock code field. You can change this code.

    Note: You can also scan a serial number and use it as the stock code, or part of the stock code, as long as it's unique..

  5. Enter other details of the new stock item.

  6. Click OK.

Automatically Inactive Stock Items

A one-off stock item becomes inactive after a stock movement and the total stock on hand falls to zero.

To keep the stock item for future transactions, change the Classification of the stock item from ONE-OFF to NORMAL. One-off items remain active for historical reporting and warranty tracking, but are excluded from regular stock line reporting if they are marked as inactive.