MYOB Exo Business

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Handling Time Billing

Utilities > Debtor Utilities > Time Billing

Use the Time Billing module to charge an account for time-related work. You can add multiple time charges to an account and then produce a single, itemised invoice.

To create a time bill:

  1. Select the Time Billing option from the Utilities > Debtors Utilities menu. The Time Billing window displays:

  2. Click the New button. This window displays:

  3. Enter information in the fields on the Details tab:




    The name and number of the debtor account.


    The name of the staff member. You can type the name or select from the list.


    The date the job was done.

    Start Time

    The start time of the job.

    Stop Time

    The end time of the job.


    The total number of hours being billed. This is calculated based on the start and stop times you enter.


    The code of the stock lookup item related to this job.


    The description of the selected code. This is entered based on the code.

    Hourly Rate

    The hourly rate for this code. This is the rate specified in the Stock Item Details Sell Prices and is automatically entered here.

    Total Charge

    The total charge for the job. This is calculated based on the hours and the rate.

  4. Click Save.

Related Topics

Invoicing a Time Bill

Viewing Time Billing Reports