MYOB Exo Job Costing

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Custom Buttons Overview

Job Costing incorporates custom buttons that can call an executable file (a file which will run another portion of MYOB Exo Business) and pass it the connection name, user name, password and job number. This could be a Job Costing related program, or a special report such as a Clarity report.

It is possible to define up to nine extra buttons each of which can execute external applications or run reports. Each button is defined by two properties:

  • The name or caption to appear on the button, or when the mouse pointer hovers over the button (limited to 15 characters).

  • The action to be performed. To run a Clarity report, only the report file name is required; otherwise normal parameters are passed automatically, i.e. <filename.exe> Aliasname – Login – Password – Jobno parameter

Custom buttons are set up using the MYOB Exo Business Configurator application, where they are configured as User-level profile settings.


Appears On

Common Use


Search Screen

Job List (status) report


Details Screen

Single Job Summary Reports


Details Screen

Single Job Summary Reports


Quote/Budget Screen

Print Quotation


Time Screen

Single Job Time Sheet Summary


Costs Screen

Single Job Materials Summary


Purchases Screen

Purchase Lines report by Job


Invoice Screen

Invoice Preview


Performance Screen

Custom Performance summary

Consult an Exo Business Partner for more information on settings these buttons.