MYOB Exo Business

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Allowing a Debtor to Purchase Restricted Goods

If a stock item is set to be a restricted goods stock item, then to sell that stock item, the Debtor must be set to allow restricted goods. When creating a debtor transaction such as a Debtor Invoice or Sales Order, if the Debtor is not set to allow restricted goods, the transaction will be blocked.

  1. In the Debtor Accounts window, double-click the required Debtor.

  2. In the Details1 tab, tick the Allow Restricted Goods checkbox.

  3. Click Save.

Note: You can enable the Use customised customer stock restrictions logic Company-level profile setting to customise and extend the Restricted Goods function. When this setting is enabled, Exo Business uses the FN_RESTRICTED_ITEM function to determine if a Stock item can be sold to a Debtor - this function can be customised to suit the needs of your organisation.