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Entering a Payment on a Creditor's Invoice

If you need to enter a payment at the same time as the invoice, you can go to the Payment window and make the payment entries. Alternatively this is for recording individual creditor payments, such as singular payments made by hand-written cheque or electronically. Payments are normally made using the Batch Payment Processor.

To enter a payment on a Creditor’s invoice:

  1. Open the Creditor Payment Entry Window:

    • From the Creditor Account Details window, go to the Transactions tab and click the New Payment button ( ).

    • Select the Transactions > Creditor Payments > Creditor Payment Entry menu item.

    Note: Opening the Creditor Payment Entry window from a Creditor account will automatically assign the payment to that Creditor.

  2. Enter the account and payment details information.

    • Select the date, period and age (if applicable).

    • Select the payment Type from the predefined drop-down list.

    • Enter the payment Amount and if it's in foreign currency, enter the conversion rate. (If you enter an amount that is less than the outstanding amount, the balance amount is displayed against Outstanding in the Invoice Summary panel.)

    • If the Withholding Tax on Creditors Payments option has been enabled in the Essential > General Settings section of Exo Business Config, options to apply withholding tax to the payment become available at the bottom of the window.

  3. Click the ellipses […] button to view the creditor account details, to check details if needed.

  4. If payment is by a cheque, press F12 in the Chq/Ref field to automatically assign a sequential number.

  5. Click Save. If the account is an Open Item account, the allocation window will be presented, allowing the payment to be allocated to an invoice.

  6. Click the Auto button to allow the system to automatically balance out based on transaction value.

  7. If this is not possible due to the amount, click the Part Allocate % button to allocate the selected amount.

  8. Click Save to save these allocations.

Note: You can also enter a payment before you allocate the payment to the invoice, or as a Batch Payment.

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