MYOB EXO Business

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Debtor/Creditor Account Serial Numbers

Account > Debtors/Creditors > {Double Click the Account name} > (Serials)

(Understanding this Path above)  

The Serials tab on Debtor and Creditor accounts is used to record all serialised stock items sold to the Debtor/Creditor. This enables you to quickly handle Debtor enquiries about stock items they have purchased, for warranty, and return policy purposes.

Note: Before serial numbers can be used, they must be activated for the database by setting the profile Serial Numbers Tracking Enabled. Serial numbers may only be used with stocked items. Lookup items cannot be serialised.

Serial Number Types (Modes)

Occurrence of serial number processing depends on both the serial type (mode) of the stock item, and the class of the trading partner in the particular MYOB EXO Business function.

There are three classes of trading partners:

  • Creditor (Supplier) – e.g. functions like purchase orders and creditor invoices.

  • Internal (no Creditor or Debtor) – e.g. adjustments, transfers and works orders.

  • Debtors (Customer) – e.g. sales orders and debtor invoices.

You can search for a serial number across all branches:

  1. Click on the Serials tab of the debtor/creditor account.

  2. Enter the serial number you are searching for, or leave blank to view all serialised stock items sold to this debtor.

  3. Check the Exclude not in stock checkbox to exclude.

  4. Check the Exclude pre-assigned checkbox.

Search Filters



Serial Number

Serial numbers are maintained as part of the workflow whenever stock transactions are created for a serialised stock item.  This is usually associated with a business document (e.g. Debtor invoice).  When the document is saved using the Save & Exit or Save buttons, the stock items that should be serialised are determined based on the combination of the document class and the serial type of the stock items.  The quantity of serials for each of these is computed.


Choose the location from the list to filter this search.

Exclude not in stock

Tick this to filter out serial number results in the search that are not in stock.

Exclude preassigned

Tick this to filter out serial number results in the search that have been pre-assigned.

Serialised Item Details

The grid header fields are detailed in the table below:



Stock Code

The Stock item code.


The description of the stock item.

Serial No

The serial number of the stock item.


The location from which the serialized stock item was purchased.

Assigned Document

If no documents are assigned the default will be none. If there are there will be a link to this document.

CR Accno

The creditor account number


If applicable a reference number will be listed here.

BOM Code

Bill of materials code

Worksorder No

The works order number. This number is allocated by the system.


Joins stock requests

Job No

The job number.


Provide indication if this serial number available for sale.

Last Updated

The date that the details on this stock item where last updated.

Related Topics

About Serial Numbers