MYOB EXO Business

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About One-Off Stock Items

The One-Off Stock Items feature enables you to very quickly create a stock item for a unique, one-off purchase or sale of stock. It offers many advantages over the practice of having a miscellaneous "non-stock" item with or without tracked serial numbers.

Most entry screens (such as Sales and Purchase Order entry, Debtor and Creditor Invoice entry, and Stock transactions) have the ability to create a stock item on-the-fly. This new item can inherit the values of an existing "template" item, or it can be an exact duplicate of another stock item in all but the actual stock code.

This feature may be used by companies who source specialized parts, or act as a portal for an entire industry niche. In these cases the potential product range is enormous, and it is not practical to hold the entire catalogue the inventory database. Using this method the items are only created as required and can be automatically disposed of to allow the transactions to take place on that transaction only.

Another scenario where this function may be useful is where the product range being sold is one-off in nature such as trade-in goods.

Related Topics

Setting up for One-off Stock Items

Creating a One-Off Stock Item