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GL Report Writer - Editing a Report Column Record

GL Report Rows are added and edited by right-clicking on a column on the Rows and Columns sub-tab of the Setup GL Reports window:

Field Descriptions




The name of the selected report. This is displayed by default.

Column Details



The heading for the column. As well as plain text, this field can contain the parameters <PERIOD> or <QUARTER> - at runtime, these parameters will be replaced with the name of the period/quarter being reported on.


Determines the function that the column performs. The following list describes each function.

  • GL Code - Lists in the column the GL Code, where applicable.

  • Data Field - Lists the name of the account or the description used (if any) in the Report Row Record.

  • Period - Allows the user to define the period to be printed.

  • PD Range - Allows the user to define a period range, e.g. three months for a quarter.

  • Moving frame of periods - Allows the user to define a period range, represented by the Frame Length value. This period range is relative to the Frame Starts period specified at runtime.

  • This Year - Displays the Year to Date value for the current financial year.

  • Last Year - Displays the Year to Date value for the last financial year.

  • Last Year End - Displays the year end value for the last financial year.

  • Budget - Displays the budget value for the current financial year.

  • YTD Budget - Displays the budget value for the current financial year to date.

  • Percentage - Allows the user to select a column to report on the percentage of a row.

  • Quarter - Displays individual periods with totals for the quarter to their right.

  • Quarter Total - Displays only the totals for the quarter.

  • Quarter Budget - Displays budget values for  individual periods with totals for the quarter to their right.

  • Quarter Budget Total - Displays only the budget totals for the quarter.

Field Name

This becomes active if the "Data Field" option is selected in the Type field. Allows the user to select directly from the GLACCS table.

Period No

Determines the period to be reported on.

Current Period = 0.

Frame Length

This becomes active if the "Moving frame of periods" option is selected in the Type field. It specifies the number of periods to report on.

From Period

Used in conjunction with PD RANGE. Period No becomes the start period and From Period is the end Period No.

Quarter Offset

This becomes active if the one of the "Quarter" options is selected in the Type field. Specify the quarter to report on. The current quarter is 0; numbers greater than 0 signify past quarters, e.g. 1 is the previous quarter, 4 is the current quarter in the previous year.

Include rolling 12 months

The system accommodates reporting on either a financial year or rolling year (rolling 12 months) and the choice can be made at run time. This is achieved without having to modify the report after each period roll.

For each column in the report you wish to optionally report on a rolling 12 month basis, tick this option so that this field will be either rolling 12 months or financial year only dependant on run time selection. If not ticked, then the field will always report financial year only.

Order periods from oldest to newest

This option applies to columns where the Type is set to "Moving frame of periods", or where the Type is set to "Period"  and the Include rolling 12 months option is ticked. It affects the ordering of columns: when ticked, columns are ordered from oldest to newest, e.g. July 2011, August 2011 ... June 2012; when unticked, columns are ordered from newest to oldest, e.g. June 2012, May 2012 ... July 2011.

Formatting Options



Used to set a specific branch in a column. If using branches in the column the user should have branches in rows set to All.


Enter a number here to set or change the sequence that the row performs its defined action.


Sets the option for printing alignment to the right or the left of the column.


Determines the column width.

% Row Seq

When using percentage, the Row Seq and Col Seq provide the coordinates for the figure to be used as 100%

% Col Seq

When using percentage, the Row Seq and Col Seq provide the coordinates for the figure to be used as 100%



Include Rolling Quarters in the financial year of the specified quarter offset

Tick this option to report on quarters in a financial year going back from the quarter entered in the Quarter Offset field.

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GL Report Writer Settings

GL Report Writer Rows and Columns