MYOB Exo PC Clock

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Import/Update Data Files

This is only applicable to the Standalone version of PC Clock, as the Server-based version does this automatically. PC Clocks requires a file sent from Time and Attendance that contains staff, cost centre and other information. This should be done frequently as any changes made to the information in Time and Attendance and Payroll are only reflected at the Clock once this is done. Examples of Payroll changes that would require an update:

  • New staff member.

  • Employee leaves.

  • Employee's name is changed in the system.

  • Cost Centres added, deleted or changed.

  • An employee's department is changed.

  • "Company card prefix" changes in Time and Attendance.


NOTE: Before this process can be performed, the file has to have been created and exported from Time and Attendance. See the topic on the Head Office Exporter application.

To import, it is simply a case of checking that the file is valid (it can be changed if necessary), then clicking Import. If the filename does need to change, this can be done manually or by clicking the ... button.

If any of the cost centres have been changed, and you use the Function Key Values, it is recommended that you review the Assign Function Keys screen.