Third Party Providers
MYOB Exo Health and Safety lets you record names and contact details for your preferred providers of medical care.
Select Third Party Providers from the Maintenance menu. A list of providers appears. Click Add to create a new provider, or highlight a provider and click Select to edit it. Third party providers are added and edited on the Third Party Provider Maintenance window.
Provider Code Enter a unique numerical identification code for the provider.
Provider Name Enter the full name of the provider.
Type Choose a provider
type from the list. If you do not see a suitable option, click the button to open a window listing all types, where new
types can be added.
Contact Name the contact person at the provider's location.
Phone Enter the appropriate contact telephone number.
Facsimile Enter the appropriate contact facsimile number.
Street Address Enter the appropriate street address.
Suburb Enter the appropriate suburb for the address.
City Enter the appropriate city for the address.