MYOB Exo Health and Safety

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Report Options

Many options are common throughout all of the reports. For example, Detailed Report means a line for each record that meets your criteria will be displayed. Options specific to individual reports are detailed below.

Employee Reports



Employee Induction

  • Show only completed inductions - display only the inductions that the employee has already completed
  • Show only incomplete inductions - display only the inductions that are yet to be completed by the employee.

Employee Notes

  • Shows terminated employees - include ex-employees in the report.


  • Shows terminated employees - include ex-employees in the report
  • Show details - shows extra information such as ethnicity and residential address.
  • Show IRD Number – display the employee's Inland Revenue Department number. Shows a zero if turned off, for confidentiality purposes.

Equipment Issue

  • Shows terminated employees - include ex-employees in the report
  • Show blank dates – include equipment items that have been allocated to employees without an issue date being specified.


  • Detail report - shows a more in-depth description, and the cause of the incident.

Lost Time Injury



  • Non-Staff Notes Only - shows only notes related to Maintenance Menu Items.
  • Staff Notes Only - shows only notes related to Employees and their activity in Health and Safety.
  • All Notes – show all notes, i.e. do not apply any filters on note type.


  • Shows terminated employees - include ex-employees in the report
  • Show job requirements training - include job requirement training details in the report
  • Show incidents - include incident details in the report
  • Show accidents - include accident details in the report
  • Show employee details - include employee address details and employment parameters in the report
  • Show safety equipment - include the employee's safety equipment in the report

Maintenance Reports

Hazard Identification




Hazards by Risk Area

  • Start risk area on a new page - starts printing at the top of a new page, for every occurrence of a risk area.
  • Summary only - hides training and other supplementary details to leave you with a basic description of the hazard.

Induction Plan


Job Requirements


Risk Areas


Safety Equipment


Third Party Providers


User Security



Accident Insurance Claim


Accident Investigation

  • Print Blank Form – generates a preprinted, paper based form, onto which the relevant details will be handwritten initially and keyed later on into the system.

Notice of Serious Harm


Training Reports

Hazard Training Assigned

  • Detail report - shows the hazard training instructions.
  • Summary only - hides the hazard training instructions.

Hazard Training Sheet

  • Shows incomplete training only - hides training which has already been marked off as complete.
  • Show detail report - shows extra information such as hazard training instructions.
  • Hide signature line in detail report - gives you a version of the detail report which does not need to be signed and dated.
  • Start employee on a new page in detail report - gives you a version of the detail report that starts printing at the top of a new page, for every occurrence of an employee.

Hazard Training by Employee

  • Shows incomplete training only - hides training that has already been marked off as complete
  • Shows terminated employees - include ex-employees in the report

Hazard Training by Hazard

  • Shows incomplete training only - hides training that has already been marked off as complete
  • Shows terminated employees - include ex-employees in the report

Hazard Training by Review Date

  • Shows incomplete training only - hides training that has already been marked off as complete
  • Shows terminated employees - include ex-employees in the report

Job Requirements Training Assigned

  • Detail report - shows the job requirement training instructions
  • Summary only - hides the job requirement training instructions

Job Requirements Training by Employee

  • Shows incomplete training only - hides training that has already been marked off as complete
  • Shows terminated employees - include ex-employees in the report

Job Requirements Training by Job Requirement

  • Shows incomplete training only - hides training that has already been marked off as complete
  • Shows terminated employees - include ex-employees in the report

Job Requirements Training by Review Date

  • Shows incomplete training only - hides training that has already been marked off as complete
  • Show terminated employees - include ex-employees in the report

Job Requirements Training Sheet

  • Show incomplete requirements only - hides requirements that have already been marked off as complete
  • Show detail report - shows extra information such as job requirement instructions
  • Don't print the signature line in detail report - gives you a version of the detail report which does not need to be signed and dated
  • Start employee on a new page in detail report - gives you a version of the detail report that starts printing at the top of a new page, for every occurrence of an employee.

Statistics Reports

Accident by Injury Type

  • Show all incident types - shows all Incident types, as opposed to just Incident Type = "Accident".

Accident by Occupation

  • Show all incidents - shows all Incident types, as opposed to just Incident Type = "Accident".

Accident by Risk Area

  • Show all incidents - shows all Incident types, as opposed to just Incident Type = "Accident".

Incident Cost

  • Detailed Report - show detail lines for hours and costs for each individual accident, as opposed to a summary line for all incidents, for the employee/risk area.
  • Show Medical Cost - show the Medical Cost and count it towards the Total Cost.
  • Show Damage - show the Property Damage Cost and count it towards the Total Cost.
  • Show Management - show the Management Cost and count it towards the Total Cost.
  • Show Downtime - show the Cost of Downtime and count it towards the Total Cost.
  • Show Replacement Cost - show the Cost of Replacement staff and count it towards the Total Cost.
  • Show Hours Lost - show the Cost of Hours Lost and count it towards the Total Cost