MYOB Exo Health and Safety

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Claim Maintenance - Employment


Is the injured person an employee?  Select "No" for sub-contractors.

How is the injured person employed?  Select the employee's employment status: Permanent, Casual or Seasonal.

Number of normal hours worked per week  Enter the employee's standard weekly hours.

Number of days worked per week  Enter the employee's standard weekly days per week.

Start time of shift, from which the injury occurred  Enter a time in hh:mm AM/PM format

Main tasks performed by the injured person  Describe the employee's primary job role and type of labour involved.

Has the injured person returned to work?  If "Yes", enter the date and time that the employee resumed work.

Has the injured person returned to normal duties?  If the employee is at work but on reduced hours, select "No" and specify how many hours are currently being worked, on average.