The Incident tab of the Incident Register window allows you to record any incidents or near-incidents which have occurred in the workplace. Considerations include how, why, when and where the incident occurred. Also relevant are the possible repercussions of the incident on the employee and on other employees who might have the same incident in the future.
Incident Code Enter a unique numeric code for this incident.
Employee Code Type in the employee code to which this incident belongs, or alternatively press the […] button for a lookup screen.
Type Specify the type of incident. Choose from:
- Accident - In which the employee was significantly injured, or property was significantly damaged.
- First Aid - In which the employee was not significantly injured, but for which first aid had to be rendered.
- Incident - In which the employee was not significantly injured.
- Near Miss - An event in which an employee narrowly avoided an injury.
- Non-Serious Harm - An event that did not result in serious harm.
- Serious Harm - An event that resulted in serious harm, as defined by Schedule 1 of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992.
Click the button to open a window listing all types, where new types can be added:
Date Enter the date of the incident here or click on the Date/Time Picker for a calendar.
Time Enter the time that the incident occurred in hh:mm format.
Shift Select the shift that the incident occurred during: Day, Afternoon or Night.
Incident Number (Worksafe) Events that result in serious harm, as defined by Schedule 1 of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, require an Incident Number, which will be assigned by Worksafe.
What were you doing immediately before the incident? Describe in one or two sentences the events and or actions that led up to and contributed to the incident.
Describe what happened Explain in one or two sentences the physical mechanics of what happened that the employee's body could not immediately recover from, i.e. causing a significant injury to the body. If immediate pain was encountered, describe what action was involved immediately before sensing discomfort.
Incident Mechanism Specify the type of injury/trauma sustained by the employee. Two list boxes are available: the first lets you specify the general type of injury, while the second box contains sub-categories that further specify the mechanism in the first box.
If none of the categories are appropriate, select the "Other and unspecified mechanisms of injury" option.
Agency of Incident Specify the type of object or substance the employee came into contact with in order to cause the incident. Two list boxes are available: the first lets you specify the general type of cause, while the second box contains sub-categories that further specify the cause in the first box.
If none of the categories are appropriate, select the "Environment" option.