MYOB Exo Employee Information

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Security Groups

Employees can be grouped into Security Groups, which are applied to individual users on the User Security window. This determines who is able to look at which employees' data, enabling security to be self-contained to one or many sets of employees per user.

To set up Security Groups, select Security Groups from the Utilities menu  A list of the currently available groups appears. Click Add to create a new group, or highlight an existing group and click Select to edit it. Security Groups are added and edited on the following window:


All available employees are listed on the left; all employees that the current user is allowed to access are listed on the right. You can click on items and drag them from one list to the other.

>  Moves the selected employee to the list on the right.

>>  Moves all employees to the list on the right.

<  Moves the selected employee from the list on the right back to the main list on the left.

<<  Moves all employees from the list on the right back to the main list on the left.