MYOB Exo Employee Information

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Benefits History

MYOB Exo Employee Information keeps a log of any employee  benefits outside of their remuneration history, e.g. company cars, superannuation, medical insurance etc.

Access an employee's benefits by clicking the Benefits History button on the Other tab of the Employee Maintenance window.


To add a benefit, click the Add button. To edit an existing benefit, select it and click Edit. Benefits are added and edited on the following window:


Benefit  Select the type of benefit. Click the button to open a window listing all types, where new types can be added. You are also able to edit or delete any of the existing benefit types.

Reference  Enter a reference if applicable, e.g. medical insurance number if the company is providing the employee with medical insurance cover.

Date From / To  Enter the date(s) that the benefit applies from/to.

Reminder  To set up a reminder for when the training course is due to take place, enter a reminder date and specify recipients.

Details  Enter any other additional information pertaining to the benefit.

User Defined

The User Defined tab contains extra generic fields that may be used to customise your data. You can rename some of the "User Defined" fields, and use them to track information that may not have been included in the set screens provided with the system.

With User Defined Fields you can extend the power of the Exo Employee Information system to record items of interest that are not otherwise covered elsewhere.

The following types of User Defined Field are available:

  • Logical - Place a tick in the box to turn on a logical field.
  • Date - Enter a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
  • Text - Enter a short comment here.
  • Memo - Enter a long comment or description here. It can run over several lines.

To give a meaningful name to a field, double-click on the "User Defined" name; this will make the caption editable.