MYOB Exo Time and Attendance

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The Other section of the Exo Time and Attendance Setup window contains additional settings that affect the operation of MYOB Exo Time and Attendance.


Use Availability Rules for Staff Scheduler  Turning this option on will enable you to use the Availability Rules in the Staff Scheduler. In other words, you can set up the rules regarding whether or not employees have made themselves available for any given day of the week, and what hours they can work.

Use Shift 2 in Daily Rules  In the situation where an employee works a "split" shift on the same day, a second set of times and rules can be established. Turning this option on will cause an extra set of shift management pages appearing in the Daily Rules maintenance screen, to handle the second shift. This is recommended only if you have employees who work split shifts.

Use Daily Rate Limits by Time  Exo Time and Attendance has the ability to control what rate an employee will be paid for working at different times of the day. This option is normally used where you wish to specify the rates an employee can be paid in different time bands during a day. Turning this option on will cause an extra page to appear in the Daily Rules maintenance screen, to handle specifically timed overtime calculations.

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