Reports > Producing reports
To display and print reports
Go to the Reports menu and choose Index to Reports. The Index to Reports window appears.
Select the report you want to display or print and click Display. The Report Display window appears.
Select Screen Report in the View field.
To change the width of a column, position the cursor over the icon of a column header () and then drag it to change the column’s width. Only columns that have this icon can be resized.
If you want to filter the data and refine the appearance of the report, click Customise and specify the data you want. For more information, see Customising reports.
Select Print Preview from the View list in the report toolbar.
If you want to save the new report layout as a custom report, click Save As. This new format will be available from the Custom tab of the Index to Reports window.
Click Print.
To save reports as files
Go to the Reports menu and choose Index to Reports. The Index to Reports window appears.
If you want to filter the data and refine the appearance of the report, click Customise and specify the data you want. For more information, see Customising reports.
Click Send To and choose one of the following file formats:
PDF (Portable Document Format). If you save a report as a PDF file, the person who receives the report must have software, such as Adobe Reader, that is capable of opening a PDF file.
HTML. When you save a report in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) format, the report can be viewed in browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Tab-Delimited Text File. When you save a report in tab-delimited text file format, fields in the report are separated by tab spaces. Tab-delimited text files can be opened by most word processing and spreadsheet software.
Comma-Separated Text File. When you save a report in comma-separated text file format, fields in the report are separated by commas. Comma-separated text files can be opened by most word processing and spreadsheet software.
Simple Text File. When you save a report in simple text file format, fields are separated by spaces so the appearance of the report is as similar as possible to a printed version of the report. Simple text files can be opened by most word processing and spreadsheet software.
In the Save window, specify a name and location for the file and click Save.
To send reports by email
When you send a report by email, the report is saved as a PDF file and attached to the body of the email message. Your recipient needs a PDF file viewer, such as Adobe Reader, to view the report.
Go to the Reports menu and choose Index to Reports. The Index to Reports window appears.
If you want to filter the data and refine the appearance of the report, click Customise and specify the data you want. For more information, see Customising reports.
Click Send To and choose Email. The Email window appears.
In the Name field, type or select the individual or organization you want to send the report to.
Click Send. The email is sent to your email software’s outbox with the report attached as a PDF file.
To send reports by fax
Go to the Reports menu and choose Index to Reports. The Index to Reports window appears.
If you want to filter the data and refine the appearance of the report, click Customise and specify the data you want. For more information, see Customising reports.
Click Send To and choose Fax.
A message stating that "Faxing of reports and forms from AccountEdge is not available on Mac OS X.” will appear. The message will include instructions based upon your version of Mac OS X.
Depending upon which version of Mac OS X you are using, you can either fax by using Mac OS X's built in faxing that you can access from the print dialog or by using FAXstf X which is bundled with some versions of Mac OS X.
If you have FAXstf X installed, you can fax documents by printing to your Apple Internal Modem.
To view reports in Microsoft Excel
You can open reports that you have saved as tab-delimited files, comma-separated files or unformatted text files. You must have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer.
Go to the Reports menu and choose Index to Reports. The Index to Reports window appears.
If you want to filter the data and refine the appearance of the report, click Customise and specify the data you want. For more information, see Customising reports.
Click Send To and choose Excel. Microsoft Excel starts and the selected report appears.
Each report in your software has a corresponding Excel template. All Excel templates are stored in a folder named Spredsht, which is located in your software folder. You can modify these templates if you want.
If you modify the Excel templates, do not move the [[Tbl:Body Table]] field. This field must be located in Column B, row 11, in order for each report’s total amounts to be calculated correctly. If you move [[Tbl:Body Table]], the totals will be inaccurate.
Also note that if you want to perform additional calculations using the exported report data, you should either create a macro that will perform the calculation after the report is imported, or place your reference fields on a separate spreadsheet and update it after the report is imported. Please refer to your Excel documentation for more information.

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