Lists > Inactivating or reactivating a record
If you have accounts, cards, items, inventory locations, activities, or jobs that you rarely use—for example, a card you created for a one-off sale or purchase—inactivating them after use will remove them from selection lists. Your list of records will be shorter and consequently, selecting the record you need will be easier. You can still use an inactive record in transactions by manually entering the record name.
To inactivate (or reactivate) a record
Display the list to which the record belongs. You can display the list from the appropriate menu or command centre. For example, if you are inactivating a card, go to the Lists menu and choose Cards, or go to the Card File command centre and click Cards List.
Locate the record you want to inactivate (or reactivate) and click the zoom arrow () next to it. The record’s details appear. For cards, accounts and items, select the Profile tab.
Select (or deselect) the Inactive [...] option.

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