Payroll Tax

Form ID: (MPPP3020)

On the Payroll Tax form, you can set up payroll tax for each state that your business operates in. This form is only available for companies in Australian jurisdictions.

Form Toolbar

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The main table displays the details of each pay item type.
Element Description
State The state that payroll tax applies to.
Branch ID Select the company branch that pays the payroll tax.
Client ID / Number Enter your State Revenue Office Client Number.
Employer Type This field specifies whether the company is a member of a payroll tax group; currently "Non-Group Member" is the only option.
Company Name The company's name, taken from the settings on the Companies (CS101500) form.
Override Company Name If a different legal name should be used for payroll tax submission, enter it here.
ABN The company's ABN, taken from the settings on the Companies (CS101500) form.
Override ABN If a different ABN should be used for payroll tax submission, enter it here.
Supplier Select the supplier to be used for the GL journalling of the payroll tax liability
Payment Method The payment method associated with the selected supplier.
Cash Account The cash account method associated with the selected supplier.
Override Rate? Tick this box to override the legislated payroll tax rate.
Some states use a tiered payroll tax structure. For these states, the rate is a calculated value (total tax divided by total gross), which will often be different from the displayed legislated rate. This also means that the rate cannot be overridden—see "Reporting to the ATO and Other Agencies" for more information.
Override Rate If you have chosen to override the payroll tax rate, enter the new rate here.
Override Threshold? Tick this box to override the legislated payroll tax threshold.
Override Threshold If you have chosen to override the payroll tax threshold, enter the new rate here.
Active If this box is ticked, the payroll tax is currently active, and will be available for selection on other forms.