Schedule Lockout

Form ID: (MB.SM.20.35)

On the Schedule Lockout Form form, privileged users can schedule a lockout of the MYOB Acumatica system so that maintenance can be performed, such as creating and restoring snapshots, making configuration changes or installing customisations. To access this form, a user must have the "Lockout Manager" or "Snapshot User" user role.

To schedule a lockout, enter the details of the lockout, then click the Lock system button. The button changes to Cancel Lockout - click this to cancel a scheduled lockout.

When the lockout is in effect, this button changes to Unlock - click this to end the lockout period and allow all users to log in again.

Schedule Lockout Area

The controls in this area

Element Description
Status This read-only field displays the current status of the MYOB Acumatica system. This will be one of:
  • Unlocked
  • Lockout Pending
  • Locked
Lockout Time Specify the date and time when the lockout will start. A warning period of at least 20 minutes must be given before the lockout starts, so the time you enter must be at least 20 minutes in the future.
Reason Select the reason for the lockout. This affects who can log in during the lockout. Choose from:
  • Snapshots - This reason can be selected by users with the "Snapshot User" or "Lockout Manager" role. When the lockout is in effect, users with either of these roles will be able to log in.
  • Other - This reason can only be selected by users with the "Lockout Manager" role. When the lockout is in effect, only users with the "Lockout Manager" role will be able to log in.