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Transactions > Recurring transactions > Setting up recurring transactions
You can create a recurring transaction in a transaction window, or copy an existing recurring transaction to create a new one. Later on, you can change details of a recurring transaction, or delete one if it is no longer used.
To create a recurring transaction
When you create a recurring transaction, you can select how often you want the transaction to be recorded, and for how long you want to schedule it. For example, you can schedule your car payments monthly, for the next 22 months.
Enter the transaction details in a transaction window—such as the Sales window—if you make regular sales to a customer.
Click the Save as Recurring (instead of clicking Record). The Edit Recurring Schedule window appears.
In the Recurring Transaction Name field, type a name to identify the transaction.
From the Frequency list select the transaction frequency.
In the Starting on field type the date on which the transaction is first due.
You can save a recurring transaction with a start date prior to the system date, provided the date entered is within the current financial year and is not in a locked period.
schedule the transaction for an unlimited period
Select Continue indefinitely.
schedule the transaction until a set date.
Select Continue until this date and type the date in the adjacent field.
schedule the transaction for a set number of times.
Select Perform this No. of times and type the number of times in the adjacent field.
In the Alerts section of the window, you can set a reminder to record the transaction, or set for an automatic recording of the transaction and receiving a notification when the transaction is recorded.
If you entered a pre-dated recurring transaction and you set a reminder date, the transaction will display as overdue on the To Do List. Pre-dated recurring transactions cannot be set to be recorded automatically.
Click Remind.
Select a reminder option from the to record this transaction list.
If you selected No. days in advance, type the number of days in the adjacent field.
Select the user who needs to be reminded from the list adjacent to the option.
automatically record the transaction
Click Automatically record this transaction when due and notify.
Select the user who needs to be notified from the list adjacent to the option.
In the Transaction section, select how you want the transaction ID number to be created:
if you want the transaction ID number to be one greater than the previous transaction ID, click Use the next sequential number as the [...] #.
if you want to use a specific transaction ID, click Use the following as the [...] #, then type the transaction ID in the adjacent field.
If you want to save your changes to the recurring transaction each time it is recorded, select the Save my changes when I record this recurring transaction option.
Click Save. The transaction window appears.
Click Cancel to close the transaction window. The new recurring transaction now appears in the Recurring Transactions List window.
To create a recurring transaction from an existing entry
You can create a recurring transaction by copying an existing recurring transaction entry, then customising the details for the new one.
Go to the Lists menu and choose Recurring Transactions. The Recurring Transactions List window appears.
Select the recurring transaction you want to copy and click Create Copy. The Create Copy window appears.
In the Card field, click the search button ().
The Select from List window appears listing only card types relevant to the type of recurring transaction you are copying. For example, a purchase transaction can only be applied to your supplier cards.
Click OK when you’ve finished selecting from the list. The Create Copy window appears.
Click Save.
The transaction window for the new recurring transaction appears. You can edit the transaction details if required.
Click Save. The Recurring Transactions List window appears.
The Recurring Transactions List window lists all your recurring transactions. Each new transaction has a unique name—the original name suffixed by the name of the relevant card.
Click Edit Schedule.
Make the changes in the Edit Recurring Schedule window.
Click Save.
Click Close.
To edit a recurring transaction
After you’ve created a recurring transaction, you can edit the details (such as the cheque details of a Spend Money transaction) or edit the schedule.
Go to the Lists menu and choose Recurring Transactions. The Recurring Transactions List window appears.
Select the recurring transaction and click Edit. The transaction window appears for the selected type of recurring transaction.
Click Save.
Select the recurring transaction and click Edit Schedule. The Edit Recurring Schedule window appears.
Click Save.
Click Close.
To delete a recurring transaction
Deleting a recurring transaction only removes it from your list of recurring transactions. Transactions recorded previously, using this recurring transaction as a template, are not affected.
Go to the Lists menu and choose Recurring Transactions. The Recurring Transactions List window appears.
Select the recurring transaction you want to delete and click Delete. An information message appears explaining that this action will not delete any recorded transactions based on this transaction template.
Click OK to delete the recurring transaction.

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