Help Centre

Field Descriptions
Type the current exchange rate. For example, if you're creating a record for British pounds and you receive $1.50 for each dollar you exchange, enter 1.5 in this field.
This field displays the value that one unit of the selected currency has in Australian dollars, based on the exchange rate you entered.
AUD (Local) $1.00 Equals
This field displays the value of one Australian dollar in the selected currency, based on the exchange rate you entered.
Type the symbol you want to use to represent this currency, for example, F for French Francs or US$ for US Dollars. The symbol you enter here will appear in all windows and reports that display amounts in this currency.
Select whether you want the currency symbol to appear before or after the monetary amounts. For example, choose Before Number if you want amounts to appear like this: $500. Choose After Number if you want amounts to appear like this: 500$.
Select how you want to display negative monetary amounts in this currency. Your choices include Parentheses, Before Currency Symbol, Before Number, After Currency Symbol and After Number.
If you want fractional amounts to display a zero in front of the decimal marker, select this option. For example, if you select this option, an entry for fifty cents will appear as $0.50. If you don’t select this option, the amount will appear as $.50.
Type the number of digits that you want to appear between the grouping symbols for this currency. For dollars, you would typically have three digits between the grouping symbols to indicate how many thousands of dollars are in the amount.

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